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Everything posted by Janson

  1. He might have run rim brake before. Or if he kills the disc he can just put a HS33 on there and still have a decent brake. And yes, I can see that he has a disc-only fork. He might just have used the wheel before he went disc though :o
  2. It might not be a dicta. What the f**k are you on about? That freewheel is crap. It doesn't matter if it has 21 or 42 engagement points, it's still shit.
  3. I think this guy has a point. As he has owned an Alp.
  4. Would be cool if you could help me Tweek.. I'd include some extra money for the effort. (Y)
  5. Ain't got a card either :) And cheques for foreign currencies are fooking expensive. Do you take cash?
  6. 21 EP Dicta freewheel, with tolerances so sloppy that only one of the two pawls engage at the time, giving twice the amount of engagement points, but half the strength.
  7. I wanna buy. I live in Sweden. I don't have paypal.
  8. Janson

    Wobbly rail.

    it wobbled like a bitch actually.
  9. Janson

    Wobbly rail.

    Pedal kicked up from the ground.
  10. Janson

    Bike Pics

    Haha, what a piece of shit.
  11. The FBM will grow stronger and stronger. Rest in Peace DJ, I will always proudly represent the FBM in Sweden. Robert Janson.
  12. Maybe ;) Koxx makes super wide cheesy rims too.
  13. Wide or thin? For wide, go Alex DX32 / Planet X BMF / Onza Full-Fat / Echo / Megamo... They're all very similar and a pretty nice rim, Echo seems popular atm, drilled and all that. For thin, go Mavic 521. It's thin, but strong.
  14. Janson

    Echo Es2

    Adjust the slave cylinders so that they're all the way backed out from the rim. Unscrew the TPA so the pads fully return. Remove wheel and measure the distance between the pads. If it's >47mm, you can fit one.
  15. Check the thread in chit-chat. here
  16. Won't void, aslong as you don't touch the weld with the saw.
  17. They're 130-ish crc have them
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