Pads: Heatsink Batch A
Time used: Two months
Rim used: Alex DX32
Grind: Yes
Ceraminc: No
Brake used: Magura bled with tap water
What is your opinion of a working brake: Anything that gives predictable braking, hasn't to be super grabby or instant lockage, but has to be predictable and consistent.
How do they compare to previous pads you have used: They were on par with Koxx Bloxx on a fresh/medium worn grind in the dry, and in the wet. More predictable than Bloxx in the mud.
Review: Feeling about the same as Bloxx, I was expecting similar results, after the things I had heard about them. Ground my rim, fitted and adjusted the pads, and started riding. First half hour the brake worked OK, slipped a bit now and then, but nothing major.
After about three hours the pads 'felt' fully bedded in. Brake squeaked nicer than with the Bloxx, but worked just as well.
Time for comp. Day before comp: Rain! Woo, muddy competitions, great brake tester. I was hoping for something a bit more predictable than my Bloxx were, and yep, they were. After about an hour in the mud, my brake was far more powerful and grabbier than Gurra's brake (bloxx on dx32 with grind), which proved something.
They wore down pretty fast though, went through about 2-3 mm of pad in the comp, which was about 3 hours long. I drag my brake alot though.
The 'sinks mk1 wear faster than Bloxx (common knowledge), and that was what I experienced.
They'd be my No. 1 pads for muddy and wet competitions though, as they were very consistent during the whole competition.
Woop. Great pads. Newer ones might be even better.