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Everything posted by Janson

  1. We have a quite beat up foosball table.. That's about it. A few decks of cards and stuff, nothing ground-breaking. The common room is quite small, and they just removed the vending machine, which means that you have to walk over to Nima's Tobak (100-ish yards from school) to get a can of Coke... Meh. We had N64 and Gamecube at old school, but didn't play an awful lot. They had a dart board, but removed it after people threw darts at each other. I mostly sit around in the corridors inbetween lessons, or we head over to Petter who lives 50-ish yards from school grounds... We all play games in the computer rooms whenever we gain access.. Teachers yell but nobody really cares.. We used to do the netsend in cmd at old school, fooling our teachers to reboot the computer and stuff. Was fun until I got banned from the computer rooms a few times. But hey, fun while it lasted.
  2. happy bday... tis my dad's aswell.
  3. I ain't. It's piracy and stuff. :blink:
  4. You'd end up spilling beer on the computer, or falling asleep. (Y)
  5. Mavuura HS33.. Monkey bikes have Monkey wheels, and I'd end up killing the disc on rocks. Also, as mods have no mech hangers etc, not having a front disc means risk-free sidehopping/skinny riding... Wahey.
  6. I bought my Coust 'cos I got it at a good price. Good timing by the seller, as I had managed to crack my Crescent... Meh.
  7. Like the 1/2" screws in his bash plate.
  8. I have the full School video...
  9. Really good Matt..... Me likes. Nice choice in music also.
  10. But then it wouldn't fit on the hub if the thread was different?
  11. Yeah, but saying a figure doesn't make you an engineer/anyone with remote knowledge.
  12. I agree, just get the card. I got one for my last computer, was about Ā£20 2 years-ish ago.. Not bad. Yeah, my computer's a beast. :o
  13. A Newtonmetre [Nm] is the torque produced by 1 Newton of force with a 1 metre long crank. (lack of better word)
  14. Maybe it's on the BB shell, but they welded the downtube onto it.. Would fit great into the rest of Pulo's awsome quality control. :o
  15. Here's the pics of mine on my dell xps gen3... First picture is the port behind a wee door on the front of the PC, the other one is in the same place as you plug the speakers and stuff in...
  16. If you're referring to the thin plastic ones, slide them on the bars under the grip.. Feels weird, but that's the way.. Where red is handlebar, green grip and black the plug thingy.
  17. I emailed Michel Coust about it the other week.. Just shove some cash into his bank account and he'll send you the pads.
  18. VLC Media Player plays everything under the sun, almost.
  19. Not insured, wtf? Shouldn't be a problem really, I've never heard anyone talk about insurance issues yet...
  20. BRING THE BIKE. Even if you don't want to ride the comp. The section builders prefer places that have been ridden before, which means that you can ride natural out of section. Nice natural which is cleaned out etc. Also, you can ride the sections afterwards, to see in which class you belong. There have been times I've just looked at a section, thinking "No problem here, I'll just do blah blah" and the minute I get on my bike I get the 'LineVisionā„¢', and realize that it's not doable in the way I wanted to. So bring the bike, you'll thank me later. ;)
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