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Everything posted by Janson

  1. Get the grinder out. Cut it in half/cut a slot and force it open.
  2. Tensile.. I have bad experience with the Deng cranks. Sure, they were the old(er) square tapers, but the quality on the Tensiles is hard to beat.
  3. Janson

    A Few Pics.

    I agree, but there are exceptions. Some fisheyed or 'arty-farty' shots are better with only a smaller area of bike/rider visible. Some regular pictures can be really cool even with rider/bike/object partially cropped out. Non-related question: When TV crews have little room to shoot interviews, they cut off a bit of the hair of the interviewed person, rather than taking the neck off and showing only the face. Why?
  4. Janson

    Watch Out!

    And I just found a retailer in Sveden (N)
  5. Janson

    Watch Out!

    Awsome (N) Me wants. Now. hehe. I agree with mr Deagle here, watches kick ass!
  6. Janson

    Watch Out!

    I've got a shitty cheap Moretime one which i seldom use. A fishbone one (bit nicer) without a battery. And my T610 phone, as reliable as a scally. Randomly switches off etc.
  7. What gloves do you wear? Try-All Gripy (not the actual name, tryall gloves) What's good about them? No palm padding, kinda thin. Would you recomend these gloves over others which you have tried in the past? No. They suck the ass. They split at the seams as soon as you look at them. How much were they? 25-ish maybe. Where did you get them from? Koxx Sveeden. Buy something else. Like the Speicalized BMX Race gloves. They're awsome.
  8. http://www.trials-shack.co.uk/yahnson/randomness.mpg Sorry for the delay, forgot about it and watched a movie. :">
  9. Welding/brazing steel to aluminium is bloody hard. I'd stay with the 2 bolt Evo adapters or go to a rear vee brake. Don't start cutting the vee mounts off, thinking you can convert the frame to 4 bolt. If you do find/make some 4 bolt mounts in aluminium for the frame, and weld them on, you ruin the heat treatment of the frame and it'll end up cracking.
  10. I have just come back from riding.. Nailed a gap I've eyed up every day walking to school for a year now.. I finally managed to end up at the spot and do it. Took about 20 tries but managed to land it.. 6ft between wooden rails, not too shoddy. Feels great! >_<
  11. Nailing something gnarly first time.. One of those rides where you don't focus on actually getting better at something, only cruisin' around with friends in the nice weather and sticking something you've eyed up.
  12. http://www.trials-shack.co.uk/yahnson/james_hop.mpg
  13. http://www.livewrong.net/ - the ONLY livestrong clone I can accept. MEH.
  14. Janson

    My "little" Bike

    it's 26". And I'm guessing the frame is related to BT or at least the same factory.
  15. I do to see how much it took damage. It barely covers my chain.
  16. You WILL get mocked by BMXers if you wear those shoes... (N) But hey, they only do le Race bmx over at Koxx, and that's a completely different sport altogether.
  17. I do the whole visualize thingy, seeing myself in 3rd person going up/over/down thatever, then seeing it from my own eyes.. Then just closing my eyes for a second, thinking "I'm going up/over/down, and that's the way it bloody is!" A few seconds later, I'd probably have dialled the thing. I ride loads better when I'm 100% determined (read above) and not just mucking about. Last second braking keeps the mind sharp. You shouldn't brake until the wheel hits the edge, that's the way to hold large ups on the backwheel...
  18. But the biggest forces on the brake, the ones with the whole body hanging on them, is when standing on edges, brake trying to pull away from the frame with conventional mounts? Isn't that why loads and loads of disk tabs rip off from trials riding? Also, setting the brake up that way woudn't be too hard really? Couldn't you just flip the bike over (put the bike backwards, to quote Ot) ?
  19. Monty shoes are awsome.. Davos sole is where it's at!
  20. Janson


    BuyAll. Pictures to come as soon as I get my hands on one...
  21. But you're not supposed to eat the actual tea, are you? Aren't you supposed to let the small leaves sit in hot water for a few mins, then take them out and drink the now tasty liquid? Or am I way off? :- (N)
  22. Janson


    Popups and stuff? I'll stick to BitTornado/TPB to be honest..
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