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Everything posted by nohpee°

  1. poor quality photo. here u are
  2. nohpee°

    focus rc car 2

    From the album: elemenohpee

    see for sale/wanted
  3. nohpee°

    focus rc car

    From the album: elemenohpee

    see forsale/wanted
  4. nohpee°

    quiksilver 2

    From the album: elemenohpee

    see for sale/ wanted
  5. nohpee°


    From the album: elemenohpee

    quiksilver longsleeve see for sale/wanted
  6. From the album: elemenohpee

    see for sale/wanted
  7. nohpee°

    mofo cliff jump

    nor me seeing as now its been blow up with dynamite
  8. nohpee°

    mofo cliff jump

    From the album: elemenohpee

    cool cliff jump for when theres no surf. nice
  9. nohpee°

    traffic trail

    From the album: elemenohpee

    took this last night pure boredom.....ness
  10. nohpee°


    old pic of my es4,
  11. nohpee°


    old pic of my bike haven't ridden it for 3-4 months just showing people it really.
  12. I used my dremmel for everything from polishing bits to hacking through metal it blew it :(
  13. the echo one isnt the same as the megamo one either. the echo one is REALLY small.
  14. have u ever tried doing that on a curved area? u can make lots of small lines to make a bent tube and then the gaussian blur blends the little lines together. as you said reflective gradiant would work.
  15. I use the polygon lasso tool jus takes a little while to go round the whole frame. colours are one of the easiest things to do on photoshop, making colours look believable without just changing the hue is hard. changing to black and white is a little bit harder than colours, even silvers quite easy. I dont tend to change the colour balance, I airbrush the frame or use this cool method: draw 3 lines(the one in the middle being lighter or darker) then as u have that bit selected with the lasso apply quite a large gaussian blur and it will look like tubing. silver: hope it helps ally
  16. well said, it can be done though, pretty tricky stuff perpectives
  17. couldnt be assed to do the forks plus I dont under stand why you would want white forks. it also looks your disc is plugged into the mains.
  18. yeh, careful though, dont bother drilling into the pad body just the backing+don't hit it in too far or you'll start to push the pad away from the backing.
  19. only got diagrams of mine cos im too lazy to go out to the shed:
  20. quick bosh cos that other one was a little too severe.
  21. I had chondromalacia patella about 2 years ago. that was football induced though. it hurt about 30mins after activity, because of the grateing it swells up and hurts alot mainly after but can hurt whilst doing stuff. it meant I couldn't play for 6 months.I was told if I carried on I might need an operation to remove the flaking. you can sort of see if you have it by laying your leg on the floor(relaxed) so u can move the knee cap around freely, then ummm dunno how to explain this, cup the top of the knee cap(right hand-right knee) ahh bugger it, like this: then LIGHTLY tense you knee so the cap moves upwards and you should feel quite a bit of grateing, im told there is a certain amount in any knee but its blatent in chondromalacia patella sufferers. oh and an open patella knee(big blue things) support helps. im no doctor so don't blame me if you fail to walk afterwards :thumbsup:
  22. shodderly done on photoshop 4.0 :-
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