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Everything posted by nohpee°

  1. camera and photoshop got better versions that are about 80cm long get better things to do though, shame.
  2. hey list some acoustic versions of songs, that are really nice,kinda mellow vibe. taking back sunday-cute without the e (acoustic) top stuff!
  3. some i made ages ago when i rode.dam gay echo
  4. nohpee°

    fatty 2

    From the album: elemenohpee

  5. nohpee°


    From the album: elemenohpee

  6. nohpee°

    Fancy Dress

    theme is 'crystal ball' .........................................
  7. yeh used some from there, still a bit safe though. so gutted frakturika is only a demo, its amazing here
  8. nohpee°

    Zaney Fonts

    hey anyone know good sites to download for free similar style fonts to the ones most surf/skate companies are using.sort of hand drawn block type. example: oh for a mac aswell cheers
  9. just got my powerbook 15" superdrive very tasty indeed if you can get the dosh get one (N)
  10. portfolios sorted, got too much stuff. its just i have to forfill this crap about dealing with clients, money etc. done stuff for mags etc, but they are monthly which is annoying, just thought i'd ask you boys. chill
  11. yes when someone tells me what it is they want doing i will see "how much time and effort it takes me" and tell them a price
  12. depends how much time and effort it takes me. (Y)
  13. nohpee°


    hey i'm going to spray a stenciled design onto the slick of my bodyboard. but im not sure what spray paint to use. its a plastic surface. i have tried that crap plasticoat stuff from b&q and its appaulling. what do grafitti artists use? and where the hell do u get it. it has to be waterproof and really quite rebust, dont like using primer either. cheers
  14. pretty simple joe (Y) if anyone needs any graphic designing or imagery doing. like logos, sticker design. or just if they want kinda generic bike images for say a website. i can do it....for a fee (Y)
  15. hey all For my HND i have to prove i have done some work outside of my course. I have done all of the heatsink stuff but I'm in need of more. Anyone got any graphic design work needed or any photography doing? Not just related to bikes, although it could be. cheers ally
  16. really bugging me, what did they used to be called, if they even did?
  17. nohpee°


    i won £600,000 gutted
  18. hey im sending a powerpoint presentation to a client and they haven't got 'franklin gothic demi cond'. is there anyway i can email it to them? what do i need to send and what do they do when they get it at their end? pc amateur :) help
  19. the exeter players are still stupidly good don't forget. i played for a plymouth argyle youth side against an exeter team, including nigel mansells son and they whipped us, we were supposed to be the best in cornwall.many of them play now. these two games are the reason why the fa cup is the best football competition in the world, minor teams can beat the huge teams purely because of the occasion. they try alot harder and have nothing to lose, also man u are used to playing against other amazing sides where they are more organised so can put moves together, exeter are going nuts and closing down every ball not giving them any time and its alot scrappier than the prem so its a whole different situation for them. if exeter where in the prem they would get a dicking every game without a doubt.
  20. george, did i do those koxx stickers? i seem to remember doing something like that. might have been a test one for prawn
  21. my first frame, originally white with old graphics this pics after i resprayed it and got new stickers my second bike, loved it to pieces :P although i'm not sure it cracked my current bike as it used to look, too high maintenance sort of as it is now there is never going to be another picture here as thats it for me and bikes, obviously i'll still have a piddle about but no more buying. :P
  22. :shifty:amazing stickers who designed them?
  23. once saw a piece of land in scotland that was on an estate and if you bought it you became a lord. very funny.
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