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Everything posted by nohpee°

  1. anyone reckon this looks better?
  2. how hots that chick in it aswell! if its the same one
  3. on a more positive note, how good was that track on sprung by 'bus station loonies-playing silly buggers' can't find it anywhere though..
  4. better off searching for the 'instrumental' of that track
  5. yeh they're crazy nice aren't they, got a white one. does yours scratch real easy? i heard its a fault with the first ones, i've been careful with mine and its mint.you can get like 1mm silicone sleeves for them which are near invisible. another reason why some people ipods feck up is because they bosh downloaded music for different sources onto them, if you bought everything from itunes no problems ever. no just naaah
  6. they're amazing, which is why they're a phenomenon
  7. wish they wouldn't flinch when filming
  8. thats a good track so is all the dj junk stuff, but well hard to get hold of
  9. anyone got any tracks from any sprung vids they wanna sent me?
  10. nohpee°


    im talking real cheapo. surely all those kids arent spending £40-50 do tk maxx do em? :turned:
  11. nohpee°


    ok need a blazer for fancy dress. the last one i bought from a charity shop was pants it had really short arms but was still really long. Wheres the best place to get a blazer, don't want it to be expensive. but i want nice shape, most charity shops are old mens dinner jacket styly. I see loads of young people wearing blazers and there real good.i cant find one cheers
  12. nohpee°

    Song Wanted

    hey just been watching sprung 3 and really wanna get hold of 'citizen fish-habit' can anyone send it to me? cheers
  13. cos they're shite, look at em
  14. hey got an ipod nano so thought i'd give my mini to a mate but i need to erase all the songs. which i cant figure out how to do. help cheers
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