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Everything posted by JTM

  1. Didnt he turn into some f**ked up loony??! Went round with a shot gun or summat? Good music anyway
  2. JTM

    Ntl Users

    how do i go about doing that then??!?
  3. JTM

    Ntl Users

    Thats stright from doing a flush to tracert www.mx5nutz.com, any ideas??? I also get quite a few page cannot be displayed errors and I then refresh and it works fine? I get maybe 4 of these a hour. Mx5nutz is the only site I cant get onto
  4. JTM

    Ntl Users

    So is there anyway round it? Ive tried everything I can think of. Thing is ive been going on it fine for a year nearly, then 2 weeks ago I cant get on it?
  5. JTM

    My Astravan

    becaus the laws of physics mean that at 120 in a modern car, your pretty safe while its fairly dead onthe motorway and unless someone changes lane in front of you, you will be ok. At 150, with no other car on the road, motorway bends start to become corners. As in theres a chance you might lift off, or get a bit of over/understeer etc. Ie, at 150 you could have a crash all on your own whereas at 120 it would pretty much take you falling asleep, someone elses error or going over some ice/diesel which would cause a spin at any speed.
  6. JTM

    My Astravan

    erm the ammount of other people you will kill?! If your doing 150 and you crash and die, who gives a f**k? You knew what you were doing and you made that choice. If you hit a family doing 60 on the opposite carriage way head on though, people WILL give a f**k you can never say oooo but theres no one around at so and so hour. You can never know that. Could be someone out walking a dog or a piss head walking home or anything
  7. JTM

    Ntl Users

    Is this related at all to me not being able to get onto www.mx5nutz.com??? Im on telewest though
  8. JTM

    My Astravan

    Ive been 150 in a mates pulsar. Its fast yes. And its exilerating. But you yorkshire lads seem to be making a habit of it. I like to go fast, but fast for the road im driving on. ie 60 on a country lane is fast. Making a habit of driving at 150 is asking for trouble. I might crash at 60 on a country lane and I MIGHT die. IF you crash at 150 in a van your PROBABLY going to die. And chances are you will hit a few other things aswell. I love driving and love driving fast in the right place at the right time, and have no problem with others doing the same. But i think you lads just need to be a little more aware of the speed your doing.
  9. JTM

    My Astravan

    to be honest boys I dont think these speeds are big or clever. 120 IS acceptable at the middle of the night on a motorway just. But when your starting to talk 150pmh, thats dangerous on any road. The ammount of damage caused with that speed behind you is phenominal. Think you boys should think about this a bit more if you want to keep your liscence/life/van as the way things are going it sounds like it could all end in tears. I speed, and I go sideways etc, but 150 is unacceptable imo. Once yes, topping your car out for the first time is just one of those things you do. But racing up to 150 is a bad idea imo. Have a think boys A little food for thought......... WARNING: THIS IS SERIOUSLY HORRIBLE, IF YOU ARE SQUEEMISH, DONT LOOK. INVOLVES IMAGESS OF A CAR CRASH That is seriously bad news If mods dont think its acceptable please remove, but I think i have given sufficient warning, and it makes a good point
  10. Get over splitting with my gf Sort some dress sense out Get a 6 pack
  11. Agree with joe, although we might as well still do it, to see what CAN be achieved in some places. May I suggest you include: Car to insure: Engine Capacity: Year: Power: Postcode: Area: Your Age: NCB: Years Driving: On parents or your own:
  12. not really. im paying £1450 tpft for a N reg 1995 1.8 mx5, on my own
  13. No. What do you class as fairly cheap? Engine size? Where you live?
  14. JTM

    My Astravan

    You gonna insure this buck? Or you doing it the yorkshire way lol
  15. As above really. Really want to see this was filmed on 26th november but is being aired this saturday at about 11pm. I will be out and was wondering if anyone who intends to watch it has the capabilty to capture it on their pc in decent quality??? Would be very grateful thanks
  16. Tried the DNS thing, still dont work. Grrrrrrrr this is pissing me off. Anyone?!
  17. Yeah but this is a forum I go on 50 times a day. Normally its fine. Every other page seems to work. That site is defo working atm is it not???
  18. Only user of pc therefore I am the admin. I know for a fact WWW.MX5NUTZ.COM is working, yet I get page cannot be displyed. No dodgy programs are running, no firewall is on. Why cant I get on this one page?
  19. not sure what your trying to do? A system restore, or to format the pc?
  20. JTM

    Car Opinions..

    What kind of car do you want?! The astra just seems like a astra with a big power engine in there. What do you want this car for?
  21. JTM

    Car Opinions..

    imo these are different kinds of cars Astra and A3 are similar but the clio is a different kettle of fish. A3 is a lovely cruising car, handles well, but wont be a patch on the clio imo. Never been in a sporting clio though but they are regarded as some of the finest fwd machinery about. The audi is heavy and a bit bigger aswell. Imo the astra is the worst of the 3. I like how they look, but ive never heard anyone say a good thing about one in terms of performance? That aint to say they arnt quick, its a 2.2 turbo aint it? same engine nearly as the vx220? But thats a whole lotta torque steer lol when it comes on boost. And they dont look that sporty either. Clio would be my choice. They are rattly and french and have problems, but they are very fun cars. If you do alot of motorway miles and have fun at weekends, audi, if you dont do many motorway miles. clio
  22. Pissed down from the moment we arrived till we left, ended up being called off
  23. Last year lol??? Id rather have the potential chance of getting some though? When theres plenty of other topics? Im not bothered lol, was just a idea
  24. Just feel lucky that your girlfriend your buyin the pressie for, is still your gf! IM buying my ex a pressie, wtf
  25. Can I just say dave, would it not be better to save the weather topic for a few weeks till it snows etc???
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