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Everything posted by JTM

  1. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  2. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  3. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  4. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  5. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  6. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  7. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  8. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  9. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  10. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  11. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  12. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  13. This kinda shit would never have bothered me when I was about 18, but now I know for a fact I will stick on weight the minute I eat shit. I do love the odd KFC etc but I also love vegetables and fresh foods. If you dont llike that kinda stuff then basically your screwed. I always tend to look down on people who are fussy or just eat shite, theres no need in this modern day to have such a basic pallete. Not saying thats you btw. Are these individual person snacks? Or are they intended for more than one person? to be honest anything with cheese in is gonna be bad for you. I love cheese I could eat different cheeses on crackers all day long. Basically, if it comes in a packet, theres too much salt, saturated fat and sugar in it whatever it is!!! Fresh food all the way
  14. You silly f**king gummy idiot. Its probably the excess weight since youve been eating chicken and bee pizzas for 6 months and your shitty spaz leg couldnt take the extra mass. Cant believe it matey. Felt sick for you reading that. Will you be in ozzy or at home or summat? We will pop down to poke your knee for a bit?? On a lighter note I thought this was f**king hilerious, I just had this image of it being stuck to your cheek instead of in your leg:
  15. Just spotted this thread after nick linked from the car thread. I never met, or spoke to him I dont think, but god thats awful. Brings back memories of the trials community at Djs funeral and what that was like, and funerals in my own family. Simply awful for someone so young in such a horrible situation. My deepest thoughts go out to everyone that knew him not least his family. That is truly awful.
  16. For £330 ish with your discount that looks a decent buy. But then im not too up on them either. I wouldnt worry too much about office, it can be aquired free quite easily, dont let that shape your choice of laptop. Have a look at some Dells
  17. JTM

    Nokia N95

    Pretty much sums it up, but its worth it for the camera and nice sized screen etc. Only other thing I hate is you cant have pics and vids in a different folder grrrr
  18. JTM


    If you need fake Id, you look too young, a boucer will see this, and ask you for ID, and he will then see its fake. Sussed, Dont waste your money they dont work anymore
  19. Oooo thats long gone. I had my trials bike and bmx...........then I sold my trials bike......then I sold my bmx........then I bought a 20in monty.........then I sold that Bongo, they dont do anything for me!!!
  20. I think you have summed up there basically why I quit. I had got to the point of riding so rarely, but still enjoying it when I did ride, that I was forever learning the same thing. Id go out, do something, only to have a month off and have to learn it again. I just finally got bored of getting nowhere. Strange thing is, I think I just like BIKES. Even just rolling round on one feels great. Im at the point now where I would like to do some trials, but I cant afford a bike. Ah well.
  21. Ill give you £45 you gummy piece of shit?
  22. Of course you can, it just means that whenever you see someone that you want to shoot, you stop move the cursor with the stupid anologue stick, go past the target, move it back a bit, go too far again, and maybe sometimes in the next half a hour you will be on target. Either that or your already dead. Utter shite. Thanks for the info boys, general concensus seems to be new gfx card so ill go for that. Will any PCI express card work with my current hardware?
  23. Yeah mines PCI express and 939 slot. Now were getting somewhere, any good sights for overclocking my particular card? For the record tomm, my PC runs cs absolutely fine. With no slowing at all. But then its not as pretty as HL2 etc is it?
  24. Pretty sure mines 450/500 but to be honest im not into the idea of 2 cards, especially with buying from ebay, its just more people I have to threaten when they dont work. Ill find out what motherboard I have althought I dont spose that matters now that I dont want to run 2 gfx cards
  25. Well im trying to do this as cheaply as possibly so £150 on a cpu and gfx card is outta the question. I have no quarms about buying 2nd hand. It doesnt need much, just a extra bit of a boost. Concentate of bang for the buck and which offers the most. How do I know if SLi compatible?
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