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Everything posted by JTM

  1. its a nice bike etc but....... get a rear comp 24, get a front black hot s, get rid of the gears and get a flat bar/stem PLEASE! lol
  2. lol well get a f**kin BMX then!!!!!! ^^^
  3. those ARE traisl frmes though. And the frenchies ride TRIALS. Some far east crap? How many curtis's/norco's have broken? compared to pures/koxx's??? "Keeping it crap", so what is, in your mind, crap? to quote anal, "id rather be french than be a shit bmxer"
  4. and I just know you ride a short, none trials frame, ye? I ride a echo pure, and its easily the best frame ive had. The way the french rideres ride is simply amzing. You don't hear a single noise except their brakes. So smooth and making everything look piss easy. I couldnt care less if people see trials as a homo sport, that way maybe it will stay a little "underground" instead of becoming huge like bmx etc full of little kids etc. The only peopl ewho want trials to become well known are those who have somehting to sell. For the rest of us I see no advantage in it?
  5. oh that made me laugh. Your kidding right?
  6. you cant be arsed with being able to tap higher and gap further? fair nuff.......
  7. well its considerably less snap happy than the es3 lol which is sayin sumat! But they do ride nice when set up proper
  8. JTM

    Backflip Film

    he went upside down, are you f**kin thick?
  9. correct, I think it actually LOOKS half decent, but the ride is bollocks. DS frame anyone?
  10. JTM

    How To Remove

    who put your headset in the first place?
  11. the water based type.........
  12. JTM

    Any Ideas?

    yeah get a new frame mate, whats the point in spendin money on paintin that, why not save the money and get a new one?
  13. JTM

    Bike Pics

    tut tut should be able to read labels from drive side, therefore your bike is mingin, I hate you
  14. JTM

    Bike Pics

    a real pic of anals bike
  15. JTM

    Bike Pics

    hmmm I think bikes look shite without a seat if they have a protrouding seat toob! and I think the tiny cut down ones are crappy was considering a blue maggie but then realised it was a waste of money and same with headset, im not buyin it just cos a blue one will look better! functionality is where its at
  16. JTM


    Rear comp 24 is without doubt the best rear tyre EVER im a little unsure for the front though, I just bought a 2.2 hot s and it dont seem an better than my 2.1 xc pro although the extra air volume is nicer
  17. that DEFO aint true so it prob was the build mate ive heard good things bout the new echo rim as it isnt just a rebadged BMF
  18. JTM

    Rb Levers

    I have no idea how people manage to make them so Poo. I have zeb, plaz pads, lightly ground D521, rb lever and a normal maggie booster. There is slightly more sponge than my original lever (but that had virtually no flex at all). This brake is immense. And I mean IMMENSE. The b*****d will not slip!!! Al_fel or johntheguru will back me up.
  19. JTM

    Hope Hubs

    :- not at all, thats only adams hub
  20. JTM

    Magura's (hs33's)

    whos arsed its summer
  21. JTM

    Hope Hubs

    dont argue mate
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