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Everything posted by JTM

  1. Any incubus acoustc is good, and also nirvana unpluged and oasis unplugged sessions
  2. Whats the middleburn problem? How come they wont fit?
  3. JTM

    I Passed My Test!

    Took me 3 times to pas me test, 7 minors, 3 minors and 3 minors again. I know everyone says it, but I really did get robbed the first two times and SHOULD have been passed, robbing bastards (Y)
  4. JTM

    Engage Video 3

    nice one james, i wish i was ginger so i could be that good :- Shit wait I am ginger, and im no where near as good as that (Y) Must be just you.. Is the song by the Distillers?
  5. Thing is though, you KNOW that those bang oulfsen one will be good. Sure you are paying a little over the odds for a bit of style, but if they ever break, BO will always fix them for you if you go to a dealership. And i wouldnt worry bout anyone nicking them, no one ive ever spoke to who isnt into audio/hi-fi stuff has ever heard of them :lol:
  6. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  7. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  8. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  9. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  10. unless its an XTP, there isnt really much point. That £20-30 or what ever it is would be better spent on actual upgrades imo
  11. JTM

    "real" Trials

    You crack me up :unsure: So your saying your quitting "trials" just because someone had a moan at you on a forum? hmmm ok........ Personally I like watching UCI, BUI, Booney type street etc. I enjoy watching it all. Id say I personaly ride mostly UCI, but being shit at it I might land on my bashie accidentally a few more times than a true UCI rider. Heres where I think the line is croseed: My understood definition of TRIALS: Using your bike to get over/under/around technical obstacles in the most efficient way possible trying not to put your feet down There isnt anything in there ^^^ about X-ups, manuals, wall rides, stalls etc etc etc Thats not to say they arnt good, I just think they arnt trials? Id say the people who are doing this kind of riding are doing maybe 70% bmx and 30% trials. Its all good though. Aust, you are living in a bit of a dream world mate. That coversation with you someone had with the topic of boon vs cousts made me laugh. You cant compare it. You cant compare it mainly because im pretty sure matt has no aspirations to do half of the stuff the cousts do?! No one can deny they are probably the best trials riders in the world but Im sure matt would rather watch someone else? Boon you get abused by these type of threads :P
  12. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  13. JTM

    Kazaa Lite?

    i have it if anyone needs it :(
  14. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  15. othersied just blew me away when I saw it. They really were a telented bunch. I remember my first ever comp, and danny H was there on his black brisa which was just THE nicest bike at the time, before every tom dick and harry had a king etc. I was wisperin to me dad excitedly "theres danny holroyd!!!!!" lol
  16. back problems and he got married didnt he?
  17. wanna sort out a bit of a privat tf battle? msn vvvv
  18. If anyone does, give me or anal a bell for a bit of a frag >_<
  19. JTM

    Best Pads

    You have a D521 Your going to grind it Therefore ANY of the good pads out at the mo will give an amazing brake So long as you aint a bad jock :sick:"
  20. alteratively RTFMYSW first one to get it gets to slap LEVEL BOSS 1065 first
  21. JTM

    Pad Reviews

    Pads: Tarty Blacks Time used: Nearly 2 months Rim used: Echo Mod/Stock: Stock Grind: Yes Brake used: Magura, normal lever, normal hose, standard booster on 4 bolt Review: To be honest, at first I wasnt that impressed. They sounded great which gave the impression of a good brake, but they wouldnt hold. Well its been a couple of weeks now, still using the same worn-ish grind and Im happy to say they did as Adam had said, and bedded in. Due to tyre/booster issues, I am not using my prefered set up and therefore there is more mush than id like to my brake. Still, these pads are working rather nicely now. Nice sound, nice lock and nice hold. Better than my koxx bloxx at their peak were (that is the point which I compare all brakes to these days). I am still wanting to give the rim a fresh grind, rebleed my brake and get my prefered booster back on so hopefully they should improve even further. All I can say is, for a tenner, you might as well give them a go as they are better than anything else ive used on the market, and from what ive heard from others, the best of the home made pads aswell. The wear rate is decent, worn bout 1mm in 2 months. Mine have worn with weird edges but most pads do that 'cos of the grind and pad wobbles on the piston. Well done Ad ^_^
  22. If anyone has rossi's mobile or home number could you pm it to me please! Gotta get the lazy twat outta bed!
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