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Everything posted by JTM

  1. Anytime is sound for me as long as I know in advance (Y) I keep remembering things! The basketball incident ahem rossi (Y)"
  2. Lmao that van doing 90 would be a sight! No ones mentied the drive from Llandudno to Bangor yet, witht the "Wacky Races" style overtaking with comedy vehicles! Very funny!
  3. Well what car are you trying to get insured on? to be honest, fully comp on anything even half decent, £2000 is probably nearly right! Fully comp on my first car would have been £1300, and that was a 1.1 H reg polo.....
  4. JTM

    I Cracked The Koxx

    Is it just me or does the welding look a bit dodgy on the left hand side of the pic?
  5. Got 1mb Telewest for the price of a 512kb line :D Never had a seingle problem with it and theres no limits :D Cant go wrong id say
  6. Lmao, yeah it was kinda obviously, but then again, the ratio of lads to girls in that house was like 40:3.......So she was probably getting quite pissed off with the perving by then :D Fatmike :D lucky b*****d! Yeah ill give you them CD's back next time I see you mate, remind me :D
  7. Speaking of ladies, the blonde one was quite tasty as was the dark, espanic looking lady......mmmm Me and Tim went on a scout to find ladies, that was before tim got wasted and couldnt walk :D
  8. Ahoi hoi Beasty weekend!!! Personally I thought the event was great, plenty of hidden lines were found and it should defo be done again!!! The party........hehehe. Was a funny night! Could hardly move in matts house for the ammount of people! Certain people had JUST that too much to drink...mentioning no names! There were 3 awards given out at the party, Bent-est dressed, most lightweight, and most pissed, and i think Aust was awarded most of them :D lol Ali C's shoes behind the curtain ! haha Ridin in ogwen is amazing, but I was a little too shaky to be riding, and definately to be driving :D All in all was a great weekend, big thanks to Tom for organizing, pete for letting me stay in his, and to matt where I actually stayed!!! lol
  9. A fine line, a fine line.........
  10. Thing is though, when you frist pass etc, ANYTHING is quick. Its not till you go in a truly fast car that you realise how slow yours is :ermm: If you get a 1.0/1.1/1.2 engined first car (which you should really) you will think ts fast at first, but soon you will realise its slow, and be red-lining it constantly leading to the head gasket going :P :ermm:"
  11. Josh, is that really your escort?! Since gettin one, ive really got a thing for them, some very nice ones in the gallery on FOEC.Co.uk.......
  12. Al_fel might have a new style T-rex for sale if you ask him nicely.........
  13. JTM

    Big Problem...

  14. JTM

    Indoor Trials Event

    yeah tipsy_jock has sorted me and josh out, big thatnks there!!! We will soon see how "tipsy" he is!
  15. While were here, has anyone got the other fluid vids??? Wanna stick em on TS?
  16. Heres a crazy, right-wing idea, use water?!
  17. JTM

    'burns - 18t?

    This is middleburns biggest mistake, why do they make a 16t front cog?! Who the feck WANTS 16t front cog?!
  18. To the guy whos hosting the little party afterwards, are there any VERY local B+B type places?
  19. Doing them up too tight can cause creaking.... take the bolts out and clean then grease them aswell
  20. JTM

    Watch Out!

    I like nice watches mart, and thats a nice watch! But I prefer more simple designs, and not rectangle ones!
  21. Ive never cleaned a rim that had a grind on it (Y) The only maintinence of course is actually grinding it.....lol Which needs to be done every 2 months or so
  22. To recap, I was saying that black pads on a smooth rim (or red pads, or greens or greys etc etc) are all absolute turd. Plaz and koxx etc etc are prety good though! I ran plaz pads on a smooth D521 for about 2 onths and it was a seriously immense brake, but I had to carry water and a rag round with me.... So sacked that off soon enough. You just cant compet witha grind. No maintinence or cleaning of the rim required. Better OVERALL brake in the dry (smooth rim with plaz etc does actually have a nice "bite" imo) and 200 times better brake in the wet.
  23. You get what you pay for...... Its 7005 alu, its gonna break im afraid!
  24. Thing is, neither does a mallet! But good work for wanting to make one, could be fun!
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