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Everything posted by JTM

  1. JTM


    Its been tried, and its doesnt work. They are ok in a straight line (ish) but when it comes to landing sideways a little.....its game over. Theres the old wives tale of putting a buckled wheel in the freezer fixed it....
  2. Is it just me that thought "Action Man" when they saw that?!
  3. I more meant with it being against the wall (if it actually is???) and against a side wall?? :lol:
  4. Surely that placement cant be good for your sub :lol: Or is there no choice?!
  5. I reckon even/if it does come out, its going to be stupidly overpriced. Imagine combining a XTP and coust :lol: Arrgghhh ££££££££
  6. Bloody hell (Y) Thats what happens when you give a big guy, a small bike :lol: Insane some of that, jeez
  7. JTM


    Get them all the time. At least one a week. Always worse when im stressed or hung over etc
  8. Probably the most disgusting thing Ive EVER heard, thanks mart :P :unsure:
  9. JTM


    metal gear solid 3..not a racing game at all, but apparently a bloody good stealth shooter!
  10. Cant go wrong with a pair of adidas superstars or the like with jeans. If they are clean, they look smart and are also relatively comfortable. Also the trainers that have 3 velcro strips such as lacoste ( :turned: ) or the adidas stan smith ones. Overpriced though
  11. JTM

    What Car

    I really like that!!! As everyone knows, VW's have amazing engines. They just seem to go on and on. My head gasket eventually went on mine though, which is probably the most common engine fault of any older VW. Mine used to randomly stall when cold aswell. But mine used to do it when you were just sitting there, with the engine not warmed up yet it would just rattle and then stall. And that problem of stalling when putting the clutch in is due to the carb being blocked due to people using the lower part of a tank of petrol all the time and the crap blocing it
  12. JTM

    What Car

    his was my first car, H reg VW polo, 1.1 And I tell you now, i had less problems with that than I have had with my N reg escort..... They are really good cars and will probably last forever! lol However nice joe's car is, Id do as everyone else has said. Get a banger of a first car. I destroyed the passenger door on that polo and wasnt THAT bothered. But If id of done it on my escort id be horrified. Also you will actually appreciate power steering and all those comforts after having a older car. As my dad says, if you can drive a crap car, you can drive any car
  13. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  14. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  15. Have you tried setting it to "run as a win98 program"????
  16. JTM

    New Video

    If you hadnt been sucking BMX dick for months ( :blink: ) you would know that us superior bodies had the viddy a ickle while ago (including you, so I dunno how you dont know this?! lol) and then phillis kept it for the opening of his site. Beasty vid. Cant actually seem to download it at the mo? But as mentioned, saw it a bit ago and it blew me away!!!
  17. Sp are you saying I cant change them, or I can? Ive managed to changed the left one, cos thats shortcut number 1
  18. Right, im trying to edit my shortcuts, and im just having no luck whatsoever. Theres sod all about it in the manual. Im trying to get things that are actually useful as shortcuts on the little joystick. But it doesnt seem to want to work?! Has Anyone got this phone and knows how to do it properly>??? If I turn all the shortcuts off, and then just put, say my inbox as No.1 shortcut. Then this is when I put the joystick left it goes to my inbox. But for any other number shortcuts, they dont seem to do anything?!?!?
  19. .acc is the sony file type inst it??? And yeah, you need to go into settings and change it to mp3/wma
  20. So the piston is popping out of the cylinder on its own? When does it happen?
  21. When I bought my current car from some people in Wales, After about 4 hours of driving it, it needed £350 worth of stuff doing to it when it was seemingly "fine" when I bought it. They were obviously dodgy as it apparently had a 10 day old MOT.......hmm yes....I was shocked when my dad said to me "Ring him up and say to him that you want him to pay at least half the the repair costs. If he says no, put the phone down and we will take it outta his windows." I was surprised as that didnt sound like my dad! But I think it stems from when he used to work in a garage and would hear bout this sort of thing happeneing to mates all the time, and he just really despises people who do it. Bit off topic there....... :lol:
  22. Theres no trouble in paradise is there ladies!? Dave been bumming someone else? Someone "not-quite" as sexy as mike? Tune in next week for the outcome, same sexy place, same sexy time....ooo yer
  23. Played, completed and loved MGS1 Havent had the chance to play either of the other 2 due to not having a PS2.... The first game was truly awsome. Such a fresh game right from the off. Trying to do it on extreme mode was suicide with no radar and limited health! PS. Ive heard on MGS3, theres a bit where you meet a nice lady who starts to undress for you, but then a load of soldiers attack??? At this point, if you press the look buttom, snakes eyes seem to stay in one place :sick: :lol:" :)
  24. On any pre-built bikes where the wheels are built by a machine, the wheels always going to need a bit of tweaking at first. I assure you phil builds the bikes up to a top standard and tries to have a go at tensioning each wheel, but he's only just getting selectbikes.com off the ground so things are a bit hectic round his ways (in his warehouse/mahoosive shed anyways! :) )
  25. In not surprised it doesnt work I am surprised you still have a chainstay Whats a waste of money Dave :) You cant even try and sell it on here now lol
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