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Everything posted by JTM

  1. JTM

    Pap Paps!

    To be honest, anything with a turbo on a 1ltr engine is asking for trouble. Not to mention the fact that being a new "confident" driver you WILL have your foot to the floor alot, especiall yin a 1.0 ltr. Add to that the cheapy turbo and you got something which is unreliable. The polo seems a much nicer option. I know everyone says it, but VWs will go on forever. The old ones are amazing, dunno how they managed it!
  2. Any house party Ive been to, the house has been severly f**ked. I remember the first one i went to, and was pissed when I got there. We had to walk from the station over a field to get there. Got to the house with muddy shoes, walk in, into living room with cream carpet, instantly f**ked. Be prepared to cleran and tidy from sunday till tuesday.... And the bedrooms WILL get used. Think about it, your at a party, you find a nice "piece". You wanna take your new found relationship to the next level. Where do you go? The bedrooms. Whos gonna stop? No one lol
  3. Last three I DOWNLOADED were: The Best Air Guitar Album In The World...Ever! 1991 The Killers - Hot Fuss Radiohead - OK Computer [1997]
  4. JTM

    A Little Tip

    If your grind stops working, you re-grind it, you dont clean it :lol:
  5. JTM


    Wayne lad, your on smack That gap at 2:22............... :lol: wtf Beasty vid that makes me think summer is only round the corner (Y)
  6. Yeah If I hadnt of gotten my new un free, it would have been Alpine all the way :lol:
  7. For sale.................... :lol: (Y)
  8. What I dont get is, why did they only make the LR in automatic?! If i were spending £700,000 or whatever it is on a car, Id want any option i wanted, especially something as mundane as a manual gearbox!
  9. If you like fiestas, have a look at this little baby....... Rather different fezzy.............. I wouldnt call that ^^^ "still just a fiesta" ..........
  10. "She needs premium dud, pre-mi-uuum"
  11. Does it just run XP? Firewall or as mentioned ^^^ norton could be stopping it
  12. I thought that vid was american at first, but then saw a clip from the courts in liverpool at 1.13! lol
  13. Looks ok to me, but I dont even have a bmx..........lol
  14. 1) It doesnt matter that you want a black rim, get a chromed rim. You brake will be 1000 times better 2) Spanish fly V pads 3) gotta be a dirty harry
  15. I thought we had finally phazed out tar when good pads were made available cheap..... (Y) oh well
  16. JTM

    Car Audio

    piccy not in the car anymore so no lights im afraid (Y)
  17. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  18. JTM

    Car Audio

    http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....64&hl=sony+head Got my sony mp3 unit for sale there ^^^^ You can have it for £100 posted Then you have £200 for 4 speakers. Can get a beasty set of Infinities etc for that
  19. Dont mean to be funny, but it sounds like you dont know ow to use an amp properly..... Running it on full all the time with all the gains right up wont do it any good mate....
  20. I dont get why poeple want mp3 players in their cars lol! In my opinion the MP3 cd player always comes out on top. Your never going to be able to find what song you want WHILST DRIVING out of 2000. Be far better to get a MP3 head unit and have 200 songs on a CD, so all the tracks are far more accesible Ive got my sony head unit for sale if you want Ali, linky
  21. We are all spoilt :) Thats the problem We are probably the hardest generation EVER to try and scare with a film. Nothing surprises us anymore! Lots of films can make you jump, but the reality is that, if you ask yourself, you knew it was coming!
  22. I doubt you would be bending it sufficiently with your hands. These discs need a good inch or two worth of bend before they even move
  23. JTM


    With the likes of a BB, its pretty bloody hard to stip through brute force. Its usually putting them in like a spaztic.
  24. JTM

    Fiesta Gear Box

    Are you DEFO sure its the gearbox mart? What are the symptons? If you can get one out yourself, they it shouldnt be THAT expensive to get one froma scrappy. But you wont know if that ones ok (can usually tell though).
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