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Everything posted by JTM

  1. Yawn........... This is 2003............ And this is 2004..... A good time was had by all, being very drunk. 2003 was better than 2004, stayed in the hotel both times and its amazing!
  2. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

    v fvf
  3. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  4. I cant be arsed to post about each incident, but Ive been pulled 6 times since august........ 4 times I was already stopped....... One time I had a brake light out so fair enough, the other 5, a total waste of my time Ive had my fingerprints taken as I was 5 miles from my house and the police man considered that "Not im my own area" hmmmm yes...... After the way ive been treated and the fact that there are SO MANY real crimes happening in my area, Ive got no time for the police at all. Oh look my cars pretty old and I have no hair, criminal.....
  5. I once tried to use a DJ program called PCDJ. You really ned 2 sound cards to use mixing programs otherwise you cant hear what your doing! Although i did manage to rig somehting up using jack cables and splitters so i coul duse it, but its really quiet then (Y)
  6. Does crystal XP use any resources?
  7. It wasnt like I had it IN the bath lol It was on the toilet........... Well I think ill take this laptop back, get the Acer one I saw and see what Its like. If not then Ill have to consider summat else
  8. Only surfing, movies and music really. With the odd game. For instance, before I was in the bath and anted to watch a film. Running off the battery the fan was on constantly and therefor you couldnt hear piss all. Could i get a shuttle with onitor for 500? Or a quiet laptop even?!
  9. JTM


    Erm I think you will find that it really IS worth the risk. As many have said the chances of being caught are negligible
  10. That would mean Id need a shuttle with a decent spec and a flat screen tft for £500(i wanted minimal so im not getting a big monitor!) Can anyone point me in the right direction? No one had experience with Acer laptops? Thing is, this is the first laptop ive EVER heard that is this loud?!
  11. Cant stretch £600 as the credit card has a 500 limit! Bennifer I dont get what your trying to say?! lol
  12. I dont know why, but i just find t funny watching beginners gap lol I know I used to do the exact same thing, but Its only when you know how to gap properly that your like "why the hell are they gapping like that?!" You just cant get your head round why they are keeping their arms straight or not lowering the front! Im silly lol
  13. Ive bought a medion £500 laptop from kwik save as it seemed like a really good spec for the money. Now ive got it up and running im a bit dubious. The fan is truly pissing me off as it is way louder than it should be and keeps kicking in. After reading a few forums and reviews, it seems that its the pentium4 chip which causes these noises as its basically a desktop processor and therefore needs ample cooling. So now Ive seen a few Acer laptops that are basically the same spec but with a different processor and they look nicer too. Can ayone shed any light on what I should do? Its a desktop replacement and therefore things like battery life etc arnt that important as it wil be plugged in most of the time. I dont play many games and they are old ones at best. Any ideas for NO MORE than £500?
  14. Ha ha, yawn If you think thats good, look at this little baby, and yes it is a MK1 golf, and yes that is 190mph........ http://zim.pl/iso.wmv
  15. Without a doubt the best forks around these days are echo urbans. But that dont make them the strongest. Id say pashleys are actually the strongest or at leastt he mst fatigue resistant forks on the market. Either that or the 3 year old pair im still using were dropped from mars on some form of alien spaceship >_<
  16. JTM

    Guess That Gimp.

    lmao phillis, when the f**k was that taken?!
  17. are you sure they havent just moved.............lol
  18. Pics of your GTI please and the engine
  19. 0-60 time is defo bollocks Since Ive had a Escort for 4 months Ive been part of a escort forum and have gotta to know quite alot. While your Bhp figure at the flywheel sounds correct, as mentioned ^^^ it wouldnt give 150bhp at wheels. And that 0-60 is defo bull. Your talking 8.5 seconds AT BEST
  20. JTM

    Leeson 609

    Nice, but looks the same as every other asthon/24incher etc. Looked better with stickers imo aswell!
  21. I hate it when my brake doesnt squeek. And it isnt just any squeek I want either its a certain type of definative noise. I ride better when my brake sounds how I want it as I know whats going on down there and that everyhting is working as it should
  22. you can apply for your provisional license up to3 months before your 17th birthday, meaning you can do your theory test, but you cant drive on the roads. To be fair, if you have a bit of sence about you, and have your provisional 3 months before your 17, as long as you have L plates on and are with a adult, I cant see any police pulling you..........
  23. Yeah but the head gasket wont go from it just being redlined once..... If I remember rightly when you bough the car it had different alloys on it, which means it was owned by another young lad before you, ie. it had already been ragged
  24. you know next time you hit 6000rpm, think "£350" ......................
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