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Everything posted by JTM

  1. Ive waited for this time for 2 years. The 27th of june and thats me free from shitty school forever. Absolutely wasted the last 2 years and gonna do shite in these exams, but Im not too bothered seeing as ill be in Ibiza for 2 weeks from 8th August!!! Ill be away for the results anyways :huh:
  2. Yeah I originally got a Medion (actually a good brand) laptop from Kwik save and the noise was intolerable. I took it back and I got a far nicer loking and sounding Acer one from commet. And Ive had no problems since! It does look much nicer in a room than a cumbersome PC but its not to everyones taste.
  3. Im one of the people who say dont bother using a moped for a year, wait and get a car. But I can see you NEED some way of transport. Have you considered spending £400 on a racing bike or hardtail with slicks etc? Would be much cheaper to run and in rush hours I can garuntee its basically as fast! Its no worse than a moped for getting wet in rain etc and your fitness would shoot up? Just an idea! Im a bad hypocrite though as theres no way id ride the 3/4 miles to college lol Also as danny said, dont complain about £250 insurance, when you get a car you will shat yourself whilst the slap you repetedly. Keep looking til you find something you want. But if your having to get something really crappy that you arnt going to enjoy riding at all, you might consider the pedalling option........^^^
  4. jesus......that could have been ALOT worse!!! Was that your first attempt? On something like that, when your shitting yourself isnt the normal practice to undershoot, as opposed to overshoot the landing?! lol
  5. JTM

    Me On My Leeson

    Wasnt really into the riding ;) Although it was very smooth BUT you BASHGUARDED A WALL :) That sound makes me feel ill lol Great tune as you say not many people use Oasis for some reason? I cant stand people who say they like "rock" and then say they hate Oasis, they are like the biggest band in the world! And have been for 10 years!!!!
  6. I didnt look at your link, but yes its simple to connect 2 computers together and share the internet if you are on broadband
  7. Is it just me who thinks the Seat Leon is a gorgeous car?!?!?! Well done to them for making such a good looking car when normally they make filth. Ayone know how it drives??
  8. Ive always had this differnece in my head, it has just never been discussed before. I always thought there were many more "street" riders down south, of the bmxy variety??? But the amout of street trials riders was roughly the same? The north seems much more naturally aswell, but thats by default i spose. And finally the northerners are much funnier :P
  9. Id still say your wrong. He wants to use the camera for nights out and gigs A £80 camera will be fine for this and will be better as your not THAT worried bout being pissed and losing it or breaking it
  10. Going to hight school from primary school did wonders for me. In primary school I was a bit geeky and probably no classed as "funny" etc. When I got to high school, the combination of new surroundings and new friends really changed me and I really developed my own charcter in my opinion. I loved high school. Even thought I didnt do much work I came out with great GCSE results and great friends. 6th form is where things went downhill. While most of my friends remained, some of my best didnt and the fact that it was so much easier to not do work, but it was far more necceassary ruined me. I dont think ive done any work for the las 18 months. Dont remember the last homework I did. Currently hating every day and simply cannot wait for tuesday when its over. Early this year I decided against UNI and changed over to doing something more practical.
  11. Get yourself down to ALDI. They have some great cameras for as little as £40, up to £80. The one I have is tiny in comparision to other camers, its about 1inx1inx3in. Screen on the back flash etc. Best thing about Aldi is, if it EVER breaks you can take it back. I had my camera from there for 2 years!!!! it had been on holiday with me and out riding so was pretty beaten up. The battery holder thing snapped so I took it back............they didnt even look in the box. Nice new camera for this years holiday ^_^
  12. I dont call that photoshopped, I call it ruined!!!!
  13. JTM

    Gumball Videos

    Its £10,000 to enter with driver and one passenger, additional passengers are £5000 each...........see you there
  14. JTM

    Gumball Videos

    You should see this cossie come off............NASTY Surprised he walked away from it
  15. JTM

    Gumball Videos

    Well in Marocco...........lol
  16. JTM

    Gumball Videos

    Yeah these vids are from team "Diesel Power" Who came 2nd I think. They were winning us till the last 50 yards but then some dodgy tactics saw them being overtaken..........
  17. JTM


    Really love Radiohead, Oasis, Queens of the stoneage, Nirvana, The Music, Idelwild, Placebo, Eric Clapton etc etc etc. But also live dance music aswell. Very broad
  18. JTM

    Gumball Videos

    http://forums.gumball3000.com/viewtopic.php?t=14 Loads of vids from gumball 3000 some of them are crazy! Some do get a little boring
  19. I think we need a thread for the proper names for certain moves lol
  20. Ah reet, well in that case im not too sure, I dont think a home stereo amp would appreciate being wired up to a pair of studio speakers :lol: They just dont seem to mix! lol It probably is possible though
  21. JTM


    Yeah nice little viddy boys. And what anal said, get outta sowy!!! Probably funnier to us lot than anyone else as we KNOW how sexy jay is....
  22. Im guessing these are PA speakers?! If they are for the house, whats the point??? Just get some regular, far nicer sounding home speakers and use proper cabling
  23. i get the feeling that the only people who are posting in here are those that use Vees and feel they have somthing to prove! lol Ive experienced the best vees and the best maggies, and one thing has become apparent, the best maggie is better than the best vee. simple. This is ^^^ in power/hold terms. But theres also the feel of a maggie is sooo much nicer than a rear vee. Cables are a bad way of transmitting forces when bends and longer distances are involved! For the front, they are great and offer ALOT of power for your money. But the rear just isnt worth the hassel imo
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