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Everything posted by JTM

  1. Can this be done? Or am I wasting my time and there is an equally as good online free sms service? I just cant be arsed to type out text messages when im on the laptop. All I want to do really is be able to type them. Shitty sony phones for texting. I tried sending text files to the phone but it doesnt like them. help?
  2. JTM

    Torn Between...

    Keep the BMX, theres not much point trying to do BMX on the trials bike when you actully have a BMX
  3. Lol yeah neglect that one incident phillis By mine and especially by yours it isnt bad phil. By anals isnt good and even worse nearer town. But having that L at the start of the postcode tar's you with the same brush as the rest of liverpool. Its crap
  4. JTM

    Next Mini?

    Id say for £350 yur getting robbed blind with no tax or mot ect. NEVER buy a car before driving it, thats just silly. And for that kind of money and the money you will have to spend on it you could get a nicer car, but ive found theres no point with arguing with you mini lot cos you wont have any different.......... :-
  5. Not read any other replies ^^^ To be fair, if all your experiences with a certain type of person points towards them being like that, your going to think they are all like that. And stereotypes dont exist for no reason, there is truth behind them
  6. At the moment i do no more tan 4000 and im already parked on the drive............
  7. Right im a member of a escort forum for when my car goes tits up. And there is a thread about insurance. Now there are some people who are like 19 with RS2000's etc and they have £750 fully comp insurance on his own. Now I rang the same company as him CIS, and they quoted me £3195 fully comp or £3000 TPFT on a 1.4 n reg escort parked on the drive worth £800.................. This is really infuriating and he told me its due to the L postcode and that liverpool and manchester have the biggest premiums. So if you live there, what are your insurance quotes, who with and what for?
  8. JTM

    Ram Upgrade

    Ah........so were not talking your average stick of 512 DDR then?
  9. JTM

    Ram Upgrade

    To save starting a new topic, I would also like to upgrade the 256DDR ram in my laptop that I just bought. I think another 512mb worth should do it. Can anyone reccomend any? And where to get it? Also is it easy to put into a lappy?
  10. On my French one, probably the thing I care about least in the the world its just going to be, close my eyes and tick random boxes!
  11. In my mocks I got E in maths E in physics C in DT And........... A in general studies Just shows that when I dont have to revise, my intelligence shines :) Cant believe your so worried nick! I have two GS exams at 1 o'clock today and I know one of them is French, but I dont even know what the other one is!!!
  12. How much you putting the reserve at? :)
  13. So still leave the original paging file as it is? and then add the other drives one?
  14. Think thats the first tim eive ever agreed with you :)
  15. I can understand that due to their problems etc as everyone says. BUT it works both ways, they break more, but parts are WAAAAYYYYYYYY cheaper than jap and other foreign stuff. Out of the cars mentioned ^^^ Id probably go for the polo. The best shape kind, where they started looking like modern cars, flat back etc. From about P reg onwards I think??? I really wanted one of these when I got my escort. The just dont break, VWs are great. I think old Clios are horrible lol. And they are dinky and french, never good. Never looked at a Corolla though, that could be your original and best bet :( You didnt ask for my opinion but you got it lol ^_^
  16. Yeah I defrag quite alot, as its must better to do it frequently and it take 15 mins than do it once a year and take 2 days. but I store everything very neatly and dont put crap on it
  17. I dont know your age or insurance status, but for a 1.4, you cant get much better than the 1.4 fiesta SI. Although its hard to find one not plagued by rust in the arches (it IS a fiesta after all) but in your price range im sure your expecting a bit of that. They also look real nice and I THINK have the uprated semi-racing seats of the 1.6 SI.
  18. I would most definately have mine on ebay. What do I want with going to see the f**king darkness and shite like that??? Any pop star etc who says that they are doing it for a good cause is talking crap and they know it. I agree with Rich_87 on this. I mean its a really shitty situation they are in, but I mean thats life. I probably cant begin to imagine the kind of heardships these people are going through, and their government IS a total joke, but again, thats life. Who decides which countries gets their debt cancelled etc? Where is the line drawn? It bolocks. They have a debt, and no matter how unfair it seems, its not really. The fact that their leaders are taking the largest cut of money is f**ked up and that needs sorting, maybe then they would have a chance, but debt shouldnt be cancelled, no way. Having different rules for different people? THAT is unfair
  19. Its the easiest place to find in the world rossi you tulip
  20. An imperial shitty allen key that is slightly too big, hammer it in and then there you go
  21. No the only thing stopping me doing that is being f**king ugly (Y)
  22. Will really try and make this, sounds like such a decent event. Although I go to Ibiza on the 8th august so funds will be tight. I will be wanting to ride aswell as watch the top riders, how much of addingham will be free of sections? Will the usual lower rocks be free? And where the hell are these many people gonna camp at addingham?????
  23. 1) Having to revise for exams that arnt going to aid me at all, whats the point? 2) My current financial situation 3) Cars 4) Trying to text a girl flirtily when you really cant be arsed lol 5) Getting to the end of a cup of tea
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