Danny and Ian, you pair of slags!
Ive got a home system which i like, amp and a pair of floorstanders and they do the job nicely for me.
I drive for 2.5hrs a day and enjoy my music. Im not putting any bikes inside my new car so I have no probs with getting a sub and using a rack as thats what im doing now anyway.
Right im glad this topic has been bumped cos im about to upgrade aswell.
Ive always had just a head unit (sony m850mp, which isnt too bad to be honest) and a pair of comps. Just got a new set of alpine comps but to be honest im not that impressed with them so they are going back i think and im going for a different pair of comps. I basically use hellfrauds as a library service! lol. Ive got a 2 channel amp off ebay. Its a 1992 alpine jobbie so should be decent. Im just waiting for my wiring kit to come through so I can get it sorted out.
At the mo there is just the standard rears in my fez and now im wanting a better system so it calls for a sub. I listen to mainly oasis, radiohead, incubus, nirvana etc so i dont need 3 15in subs. Im looking for either a 8 or 10in. Could I do alot worse than the JBL that nick has pointed out? And is it worth building my own box or should I save myself the hassel?
I want a musical sub, not a overly bassy one.