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Everything posted by JTM

  1. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  2. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  3. Ive got a new pc which has a cracked version of xp home on it, ive somehow managed to update to sp1 but sp2 is clicking onto the fact that i have a blag copy of windows, any help?
  4. We have an oldish printer from our last computer that uses a serial cable. Now the laptop only has USB. Is there any way of making them work>?
  5. To the people who think its all fair etc, crap. 6 months ago I probably would have said RIP etc and gone along with it. But in summer my dad died from heart attack out of the blue. He played football twice a week, was 46, didnt smoke, ate very well and only drank a normal ammount. He was actually in the gym when it happened. He didnt get a chance, that was it. He had a heart attack and then I didnt have a dad anymore. To think he had the cheek to deprive someone else of a second chance, so he could have a few more years of drinking etc makes me ill.
  6. I was goin to reply to this saying I know exactly how it feels to loose someone like this, and how sympathetic I am, but im not. While undoubtedly a great footballer and personality, he was warned about the health risks of what he was doing, how it was effecting him and how he would end. He ignored them all. Seems very unfair that he actually had a chance to do something about his problem, and didnt. Dont have an ounce of sympathy im afraid.
  7. Me and another trials riding mate have just bought the same bmx. Ive not rode my trials bike for about 3 months now and to be honest havent missed it. Especially with the influence from the bmx, Im enjoying that much more. I learn 3 or 4 brand new things every time i go on it and it feels very exciting etc I wont be giving it up anytime soon
  8. JTM

    Which O2 Mobile

    Basically its: Moto V3 Sony k750I Moto E1 Samsung S500i Samsung E720 Samsung Z500 Nokia 6680 Samsung E530 Sony E550i O2 X2iNokia 6101 Nokia 5140i
  9. JTM

    Which O2 Mobile

    you have to choose 12 months contract and £25 option you flange
  10. JTM

    Which O2 Mobile

    http://shop.o2.co.uk/shop/o2uk/jsp/tariffs...lectedTariff.do 12 month contract, the £25 one Any of the free ones there, which should I opt for? Needs cam, video and mustnt be slow as feck
  11. ^^^Nope Try everyone. Norwich Union were crap for me. EVERYONE is DIFFERENT. Whats good for one person can be crap for others
  12. JTM

    Mini Motos

    A mate of mine is selling his. Hes a mechanic so its been looked after/bedded in properly etc. Its a black superbike styled one and its good for 35mph but feels waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay faster. They are alot of fun especially in car parks with lots of curb islands etc. Its in really good nick and has just had a new front wheel bearings and something else which i cant remmeber. His name is Josh_trials on here but he doesnt use it much. Think he wants £110 plus postage or pickup
  13. Applies to everywhere BUT national speed limit areas, ie. not motorway Correct I broke the law. But, 40mph on a motway is a joke. Do you drive, just out of intrest?
  14. JTM

    Shit Bmx

    Nope, bought a real bmx for some REAL BMXing lol
  15. On friday driving home from work, was coming down the M57 and at the very end there is road works with a 40mph limit. Theres no lane narrowing etc so the road is exactly the same. Well anyway I was doing 65mph and an un-marked vectra pulled me. The result is 3 points and £60 fine. Just wanted to know who else has been robbed, what the result was and how it effect insurance etc?? Also I hear theres a posibility of doing a driving safely course and not having the points??? or something?
  16. JTM

    First Cars

    That was my first jobbie Was class On the insurance department, try everyone. Go tpft with a shit car and put your mum as a second driver
  17. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  18. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

    Heres my Jobbie, Fiesta Zetec S
  19. JTM


    Bloody amazing that Well my local park is....erm....rampworks lol Which is approximately 2 mins driving or about 6/7 mins riding away. Ah well..........
  20. JTM

    Car Audio

    Just get a head unit that plays mp3 cds, sack off using aux input, waste of time if you ask me
  21. JTM

    Help: Bluetooth

    Just to let you know you got absolutely robbed for that dongle. Maplins do them for £15 so i suggest you take it back unless your one of those people who like to burn cash....
  22. JTM

    Credit Card

    This is what everyone seems to say!!! Is there a way I can get one and set a limit on it myself? Im quite good at controlling funds anyways though
  23. JTM

    Credit Card

    Im looking into getting a credit card but would like to know your experiences. I want a year/10 months intrest free on purchases. Thats my only stipulation really Proceed..........
  24. Ive come to realise now that you dont need great A levels or some unviversity degree to geta good job. Im a clever lad, but lazy as sin. Got very good GCSEs grades cos I didnt have to revise. But when It came to AS I failed everything. By this point I started to question if uni was for me as I was just going with the flow. I realised I couldnt be arsed with any more of the same and the debt aswell. I changed my goals and now doing an appreticeship at British Aerospace. The moneys good, or at least it will be lol. Its VERY intresting and the prospects are unbelievable. Do what YOU want. My parents were gutted when I said I wasnt going to Uni. They had been paying 3.5k a term for me to go to my school. They came round to it finally and now my mum woldnt want it any other way
  25. Nice one :$ Will it be unlocked to any network then, or will be be unlocked so im back where i was?
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