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Everything posted by JTM

  1. Standard Hodo NSX with 276bhp, comes up as red? what tyres? driing aids?
  2. Ive been told that the A1 Mk3 is bi-wirable??? Hmmmm They still peform well though? Mine are situated like this at the mo Might have a sligh jiggle about yet and the wires you can see will be gone when I can get hold of a drill lol. They should be ok I think. Do they need space to breathe behind them?
  3. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  4. In no dance whore thoooooooooomas lol. I havent even tried them yet as I dont have the amp. Hopefully I wont need one then The speakers are lovely tomm. Mine have yellow cones aswell, these? I was thinking that it was a bodge way. As in car audio (which i know more about) using hi/low inputs is considered rather hoop. I might end up trying it though for somthing to do. Only a small 8in jobbie. Something like an Eltax atomic. Just to go say 20hz lower. Where are your speakers situated tomm? Stands? Got them bi-wired?
  5. Ive just purchased a nice cambridge A1 mk3 amp ad a pair of TDL Nucleus KV1 bookshelfs which are rather lovely. Ive not recieved the amp yet but im assuming these bookshelfs will need a little bass to compliment them. What I wanted to know was is it possible to connect a active sub to this system? heres the back of the amp:
  6. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  7. lol So basically i eed to be knowing some names etc The kind of illegal taxi ive read articles on are those who do it as a job with a taki light etc etc. Im only goa do it for a few hours!
  8. But how do they define what a taxi is, and hose who are giving mates a lift........?
  9. Seeing as I really cant be arsed going out this new year, i thought id salvage what is meant to be a good night by making a bit of cash. I thought i would go to a local town where there will be ALOT of people at about, say 12ish. And start offering people lifts, if I do it till aout 3am I should be able to get a bit of dosh? Now is this actually illegal? or is it technicalities etc? Surely the police have better things to do on such a big night? Opinions?
  10. seen it before, but it really is bloody good
  11. JTM

    Insurance Vs. Cars

    Ive learnt the hard way that theres just no point going on your parents insurance. It might seem easy at the time but trust me it will cause you ball ach in the long run. Bite the bullet, get a small engined crap car, 3rd party insurance and get a years no claims, then see about a nicer car Im 19, 0 NCB, 2002 fiesta zetec s 1.6, £1400 tpft
  12. JTM

    First Dates

    Your obviously pretty shit at it then lmao
  13. maybe its msn's way of saying "go to f**king work"???
  14. Dont you regret having increased your bongo:gum ration slightly? PS. you maaaa
  15. I wish I hadnt been caught speeding, and then not bothered to pay the fine for a month, thus it going up to £90
  16. JTM

    Sun Strips

    Do your self a favor, and dont
  17. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  18. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  19. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  20. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  21. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  22. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

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