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Everything posted by JTM

  1. I HATE the term chav. A few years ago it wasnt used up north. Then the papers started getting wind of "chav" culture down south and it filtered up here. Ive never seen someone up north with a burberry cap on etc. They ARE scallies imo
  2. JTM

    Faking It...

    Not risky at all imo. If for the job you will be doig any sort of educatio along side it, such as a diploma etc, then they will check. If not, and you just want to look better i a interview, go for it. They will 99.9% of the time NEVER check
  3. Tommmmmmmmmm you do realise thats standard? I cant stad boy racers! I have a pure SQ sound system and am not a car park catchphrase kinda guy! They are a nice looking, relatively quick, fun car. Nothing boy racerish about them, getting a normal fez, and sticking ZS stuff to it o the other had is
  4. Im gonna bum my car a bit Fiesta Zetec S 110bhp 0-60 Around 9.8sec Look lovely Very nice multispoke alloys A little bit rare Handling is a dream, big go kart. Potential for tuning up to around 150bhp very easily, 170bhp is the next step, ad then whatever your wallet allows! Traction control Come in Black, red, silver and blue. For 4k you can get one easily sub 40,000 miles. 35k more like. Nice interior, hugging seats etc. A little sporty Isurance group 8 so wont break the bank
  5. JTM

    me and lu

    From the album: johns pics

  6. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  7. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  8. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  9. Need to find out his address, if anyone has a phone umbe or his address etc please pm me thanks
  10. JTM

    Brake Lights

    ill second fuse lol If both bulbs are out, its usually a beter first bet than changing bulbs!
  11. What head unit is it? Souds like a really crap earh to me
  12. JTM

    Online Gaming

    Just went out and bought HL2, FECK ME!!!!! Unbelievable. Graphics are simply THE best ive ever seen. Looking forward to playing multiplayer. Is it the same as MOHAA and you can just connect to IPs? or you gotta use servers?
  13. JTM

    Online Gaming

    ahem..................smart arse..........
  14. JTM

    Online Gaming

    Where is HL2 availible for £20?
  15. I do 32 miles to work and 32 back per day, works out about 20k a year. Speed about £200 a month on petty for work and maybe £50 more for other stuff. Car will get aroud 280 miles from £35 or around 38litres if driven relatively sensibly
  16. JTM

    Online Gaming

    what software do you need for counter strike and where from?
  17. JTM

    Online Gaming

    we play alot of medal of honour allied assault?
  18. JTM

    Car Insurance

  19. I dont know about opening times etc, but BCM is a pretty decet club! And the free drinks malarky is just amazing. Dont forget litle BCM aswell! With leanne the barmaid, legend!
  20. yeah mid life crisis i reckon, go get yourself a mx5/mgf and have some fun
  21. JTM


    From the album: johns pics

  22. Got the amp today. All working after a few teethig problems...... Sounds very nice and I doubt ill be eeding the sub thankfully. One question tomm, have you earthed your amp???
  23. you can choose tyres on arcade......
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