By the sounds of it there are some rather horrible sounding installs goig on here! Especially the mini My fiesta has stadard 13cm front comps, and to use after market you need adapters, which ive doe. So 13cm comps are the biggest you can go with without dremmel-ing the doors. Ie. not the best for mid bass. But ive got a good set of speakers so makes the best of a bad situation. Thats the reason my system is a little weak in the mid regions. But to be honest, thats where most peoples systems fall down. If you want the best possible sounding system, imo, it has to be 3 way comps up front, all running active and a nice 12in sub tuned for tightness. The tweeters getting 50wrms and the mids getting about 75wrms up front and 200/300w sub is more than enough unless you are competing at something. My mate has a mx5, and these have 8in!!!!! standard comps. Ultimate mid bass!