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Too Much Spare Time

Too Much Spare Time (7/9)



  1. Ive got an 80gb Corsair SSD which I had a dual boot of W7 And Linux MInt on. Decided MInt wasnt for me, so went to wipe the disk and just reinstall windows. Well Ive ended up with this: How can I recomplie the unallocated spaces back into one partition (the onther 2 partitions have windows on) ? Ive tried DIsk Management inside windows and thast how I ended up with how it is there ^^^ Any ideas?
  2. My favourite bit was when I was in the background
  3. Last year me and some mates did the wacky rally, there were six of us in two different cars. This time round theres just the one car with 3 of us which looks like this: Obviously its a pirate ship! The route we are taking is documented here: http://www.wackyrall...2012&routeId=17 And the charity were doing it for is the British Heart Foundation http://www.bhf.org.uk/ Sooooo, if you would like to donate to us doing the rally for a very good cause, you can do so either via bank card or paypal at this site: www.justgiving.com/TeamSuperStud Thankyou very much! Thought I may aswell copy and paste what Ive put on other forums here
  4. When was the last time you sent a payment to someone on natwest? Cos Im pretty sure every personal payment now needs you to use the calculator thingy
  5. Wow the scary thing is, I remember this video from the first time round.........
  6. Im doing pretty much exactly the same stuff as you at the min, only difference being the result of mine will be a rental property. Ill put some pics up if you dont mind?
  7. have you still got the rear blue chris hub/wheel cheers

  8. Are you dying?? If you are, stop trying to burden the rest of us with it please. There are some things mentioned in this thread that make me actually want to piss my pants. My favourite times was that summer when I was off school, and you would rock up to mine in your BT work gear about 8am cos you didnt want your mum to know you werent going to work lol. Then we would just ride all day. And that was pretty much most days lol. I still remember where I was when you rang me to tell me you had like 15 missed calls off your boss and was shiting your self hahahhaa. I think my only memory from Tech 04 was me taking DLB's shit up the hill in a BBQ tray and putting it on one of the sections. Next day I had totally forgotten about doing it and then was saying to anal I couldnt beleive how many flies were around a certain section lol................ We have said it many times, we need to catch up!
  9. Its actually a very simple way of doing it this, although I wouldnt have bothered with the bluetooth thing, would have just run a 3.5mm jack/phono cable to where I have the Ipod situated and just plugged it in. As for volume etc, you just put the Ipod on max volume, then turn the Amp up till it starts to distort and back it off a touch. Then you just use the Ipod for volume control with the amp hidden away
  10. JTM

    Spec Me A Pc

    Right I have £400 to spend Already have: Logitech wireles keyboard and mouse HP 24in monitor running 1920x1080 300gb HDD My g/f is buying me a SSD for xmas, so take that into account. It will be used as the boot drive. Will be running 64bit 7 Ultimate I use it for surfing the net, watching HD video etc and I may, once in a blue moon play half life 2 or the likes, but I have a PS3 for gaming really. I just like a really "snappy" feeling PC and I also like SFF cases like shuttles etc, but Im a bit lost when speccing that type of machine. I dont mind bigger cases either though. Im not a storage demon at all, so the 300gb HDD I already have will do me fine. Feel confident to put it together myself, as long as everything is guaranteed to work together. Also like having a card reader, but wouldnt be the end of the world If I didnt. Would like HDMI and DVI out on the graphics front. Not bothered in the slightest about 2nd hand stuff if it gets me a better PC. Any help would be appreciated
  11. Ive actually sorted it now, but not exactly sure why/how. The 8600gt has 2x DVI sockets and comes with a DVI/VGA adapter thing that I was using. 1920x1080 had previously worked on XP using that setup and nothing had changed. I had a spare DVI cable, so I plugged that into the other slot on the gfx card and into the monitor with it powered off but the PC on. I then stuck the power lead into the monitor, low and beyhold, 1920x1080. WTF lol.
  12. Right I was previously running XP pro with my 8600gt, on my dell st2410 monitor (24in) and everything was fine and it ran 1920x1080 beautifully. Last night I installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit. It installed a driver for everything first go with no unknown devices etc. When I went to up my resolution, the max it has listed is 1600x1200??? Then the problems really started. I thought "no biggie I just need the Nvidia driver pack thing" went online. Downloaded the "258.96" version of the drivers for my card which is like a 153mb download. Ran the installer, it then restarts windows, gets to the Windows 7 loading screen and freezes. It wouldnt get past this screen no matter what. I ended up restoring back to the windows driver (device manager says its version "") and managed to get back into windows. At which point I tried again, same result. I think tried to just click on my 8600gt in device manager and use update driver. It did this, downloaded the latest driver from the web and agin restarted. Same again. After checking on some forums, I then tried to do the same but using the Vista 64bit 8600gt driver, but again same thing. Does anyone have any advice for this very annoying problem?
  13. I need a 2gb stick of ram for my PC. Using the crucial memory tester thing, I need a stick that is: -DDR2 memory with support for DDR2 PC2-5300, DDR2 PC2-6400 speeds -Your system does not support dual channel. -Your system does not support ECC With that in mind, and the fact that my other stick of memory (a 1gb stick) is Corsair, will this be ok: http://www.ebuyer.com/product/158366 And if not can anyone advise?
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