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Everything posted by JT!

  1. This post is 8 and a half years old, laptops back then didn't have the power to record gaming footage I don't believe, mine certainly didn't.
  2. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    He's not really hiding away, we just got used to 4 years of a nutcase cramming his face in front of a camera any chance he got. Also it seemed every single day he was doing something controversial, sociopathic or basically trying to become the dictator of the USA so he was always being reported on. Aside from the fact that he's super old and way past his prime, he's just being a normal president.
  3. Put a new chain on my bike a few days ago, snapped the mech hanger today (see angry thread) and on closer inspection I realized that where I connected the chain one of the plates has been pushed out and I'm quite surprised that the chain didn't detach. Obviously when I was using the destiffening part of the chain tool I overdid it, but the link was a little stiffer than the rest of the links still. So first question, should I just deal with a stiff link as opposed to overdoing it? 2nd question, can I remove this link and have a shorter chain, or could this cause issues? It's a 1x10 and has the same length chain as the bike came with.
  4. JT!


    https://twitter.com/US_FDA/status/1429050070243192839?s=20 The FDA is having to remind Americans that they are not horses because of a spike in poison control calls due to people taking Ivermectin. https://twitter.com/MaddowBlog/status/1428904540229799946?s=20
  5. JT!


    I suppose out of everything you said this is the thing to highlight here. Unlike cancer screenings, and personally deciding when to accept those interventions and treatments, our actions with covid affects everyone else around us. So personal opinions on how we value our freedoms over the last year and a half, how much we value people not getting sick, dying, and the value we individually believe that those last 10 to 15 years of our lives are worth really become irreverent and are just thrown into a melting pot with everyone else's opinion. If you're one of the outliers, you're gonna be pissed, but what can we do about it?
  6. JT!


    Being anti-vax has extreme connotations linked to it. So I see why people say "I'm not anti-vax but...". I agree with them, they aren't anti-vax. But given the science, if you're not anti-vax, but not taking the covid vaccination (or would any variation of the covid vaccination), you're a hypocrite, not anti-vax.
  7. JT!


    How does that app work? Just Bluetooth and then it connects with everyone else who you pass by, then when someone gets covid it just tells everyone who's been in range of that person? How many people actually use it?
  8. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    f**king bikeshops. $80 into this bike now to fix the gearing and creaking from the front end. Had it in twice and they haven't been able to fix either problem. $80 for all the work. What's the point of bikeshops? f**k me. EDIT: Butchered my other bike and took the derailleur off it and put it on the bike I've been having issues with. Solved the issue, f**ked up derailleur all along.
  9. JT!


    Yeah this is pretty much what happens when you declare a 'freedom day' and stick to that date regardless of anything else. Although it seems that covid cases in the UK are rapidly declining right now, and no one is really sure why. It really just goes to show that no one really knows fully what's going on and what to expect.
  10. JT!


    Makes no sense to me. Having someone pay for a vaccine is just a deterrent, countries are desperately trying to convince people to get vaccinated now, I don't see how they'll ever not be free.
  11. JT!


    https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/28/health/pfizer-third-dose-data-bn/index.html Looks like a 3rd is on the menu.
  12. JT!

    Olympic XC

    Pretty big drop for an XC race!
  13. JT!


    But what about the 18 year old's who use it instead of the vaccine?
  14. JT!


    Ivermectin has only been used for around 40 years, maybe less on humans. What happens if it gives you brain cancer after 40 years?
  15. JT!


    Well it's generally accepted that all the vaccines are safe within a degree of reason. You're the one who believes that that safety has yet to be proven, though, if your only criticism is that they're new, and they haven't stood the test of time, then that's impossible to prove, you could literally say that about any drug created after 1930 (Ivermectin included). But what I'm asking is, there's many types of covid vaccines, some that are mrna, and some that use a more traditional method of vaccination, the same method that we see in vaccines you probably received when you were a baby, they just change the type of virus that your body will make antibodies for. But it seems you're not interested in any of the different types of covid vaccine for no other reason than they're all covid vaccines.
  16. JT!


    You've lost me there, why would a vaccines safety have any bearing on how effective it is by that attribute alone?
  17. JT!


    When you say "this vaccine" which one are you talking about? Surely you're not amalgamating all 4 different types and claiming that they're all just as bad as equally each other?
  18. JT!


    There's no historical data on Covid-19 either. Covid only has about a year on the vaccines. Seems much more likely to me, regarding long term worries, that covid has waaaayyy more potential to f**k you up long term than any vaccine.
  19. JT!


    Ali, why not just get a non-mRNA vaccine? Like AstraZeneca or Novavax etc.
  20. JT!


    Because it's a variant?
  21. JT!


    Well we were comparing flu to covid, and that's all I was talking about. If, relatively speaking, covid and flu are similar in leading to a fatality, then obviously a large chunk of the population getting covid at once is the real danger. Colds aren't fatal so a non issue. Also, we know how to treat the flu, and we already have flu shots. Nether of which we had for covid. So we lock everything down for covid so we don't have people in tents on football fields daisy chained up to ventilators 3 to 1.
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