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Everything posted by JT!

  1. JT!


    Ok guys, covid just took an unvaccinated Meat Loaf out. Time to get jabbed!
  2. JT!


    No Time to Die was worth a watch. Wasn't amazing, just a solid Bond movie.
  3. JT!


    I'm still sat waiting for siacoin to make me a millionaire.
  4. JT!


    Then that would mean everyone who's had covid would test positive for covid. A covid test tests for the actual infection. Once the infection has gone, it's gone.
  5. JT!


    Even Rogan called bullshit on this. Also, there's plenty of reinfection cases. Maybe he was referring to the same variant of covid? That would make more sense.
  6. Yeah it gets wet all the time. From what I can tell the issue is at the actual caliper, the lever pulls freely and the cable seems to be the same way too.
  7. Anything lower than -4c and you can start to feel the sluggishness at the lever. Today at -7c it was really bad, to the point where the housing popped out of the adjustment barrel on release. I'll be riding this bike home tomorrow morning in -15c, so we'll really see how bad it gets. I played around a little and the cable feels pretty smooth through the housing, and the lever is not the issue, that leaves the actual brake its self where the issue must be. The rear one doesn't have any issues. So I'm assuming whatever lube or grease is in there is becoming thicker in the cold temps? How can I resolve this?
  8. JT!


    I think the issue is that the vaccine effectiveness wears off as time passes... and then not even mentioning variants. So that 95% was probably accurate before delta, and up to 3 or 4 months after everyone got their 2nd dose. But beyond that we were in uncharted waters.
  9. JT!


    Weight is an easy one, if you're dying from covid you're almost certainly admitted to hospital where they'd weigh you, or even if they were unable to weigh someone due to them being brought in in an emergency, you can easily eyeball it. I'm sure the stats are out there somewhere one weight and covid deaths. I'm not sure if vit D level are measured in basic blood draws, if they are then they probably have those stats too, as I'm sure blood is drawn at some point if someone is in hospital due to covid. I think viral load is probably impossible to measure, although I think this would have no effect. The larger the viral load your body takes on would increase the chances of getting covid, I can't imagine it would have any impact on dying from it, as the viral load you would take on is a tiny tiny fraction compared to how much of the virus you have in your body when you actually have covid.
  10. JT!


    Yeah those are all variables too, they're just fairly insignificant in comparison to age. I remember reading the New York Times at work probably around a year ago, it had the names and ages of people who had died from covid. Hundred and hundreds of names, it took me a good while to find anyone under the age of 40. Looking this this chart here: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1191568/reported-deaths-from-covid-by-age-us/ ...you can see that 93.25% of covid deaths are people over 50, and only about 2% are under 40.
  11. JT!


    95% efficacy over all the age ranges. I'm sure efficacy is much higher in younger healthy people, and much lower in older or people with pre existing conditions. 95% is an average.
  12. JT!


    Because old people are the most vaccinated age group and they're the most likely to die. Might wanna retake that IQ test.
  13. JT!


    You got a timestamp for the podcast? It's almost 3 hours long. And when you say "does it?" which part are you referring to? Lessening the severity? https://www.rivm.nl/en/news/unvaccinated-covid-19-patients-in-hospital-nearly-20-years-younger-than-vaccinated-patients - Chances of being admitted to hospital is 17 times lower when vaccinated, 33 times lower to being admitted to ICU. https://www.startribune.com/metro-minnesota-hospitals-detail-covid-19-patients-by-vaccination-status/600098259/ - Article closer to home for me - A chart provided by Minneapolis-based Allina showed that only 38 of its 150 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 on Sunday were vaccinated — a rate of 25% — and that only eight of 32 COVID-19 patients in intensive care were vaccinated.
  14. JT!


    Sorry for the triple post, TF is all over the place right now. With regards to efficacy rate "very low" doesn't really mean much. We know now that the vaccine wears off over time and doesn't really stop you from getting covid, but lessens the severity and massively reduces the chance of death. I don't know where you're getting "heart conditions that stay with you for life" from, given that the vaccine is, what barley a year old? How can the vaccine be so new for you to claim that we don't know the long term effects, but you claim that the vaccine has lifelong effects? You can't have your cake and eat it. The rest of your comment is just anecdotal evidence, I'm sorry but four of your mates getting covid and taking something away from that is just unscientific.
  15. JT!


    They aren't, that wasn't the point I was making. I was responding to your comment about why people are getting aggressive about "questioning things". I specifically quoted that part only.
  16. JT!


    It was supposed to be... well, depends which part you thought was ridiculous. That's just what you want us to think. But yeah in all seriousness I just thought that'd be a fitting example that might trigger Ali. One of my local bike shops actually closed down last year because they simply couldn't get the stock in to remain open. With regards to natural immunity, if baffles me how that could have ever been implemented with regards to covid. I've heard people talk about it but they always seem to not mention the insane exponential spread, healthcare systems getting overwhelmed and mass death. All you hear is "oh we could all be immune right now, it wouldn't have had chance to mutate and there'd be no need for a vaccine". What am I missing?
  17. JT!


    ...says every person who thinks the Earth is flat. I don't mean that as harsh and insulting as it sounds, but I just wanted to point out the absurdity of that statement. It's perfectly fine to question things, like, how much money are GPs making from covid booster shots? That's a perfectly reasonable question. Another perfectly reasonable question is how much more money are bike shop owners making because of covid? The problem is that these questions, they find the answers the questions were designed to find, they're not genuine questions, they're implications hidden as enquiry. For example, how much more money are bike shop owners making because of covid? Would it not be beneficial for bike shop owners to push vaccine hesitancy because if covid sticks around longer their shop would make more money? Hey, I'm just asking questions, why so aggressive?
  18. JT!


    I got my booster about 20 hours ago. Very similar effects as my 2nd dose. A little light headed, armpit ache, minor back age. Feeling generally fatigued and a slight headache.
  19. I can still control my smart home stuff when the internet goes down directly from the app.
  20. JT!


    Two people out at work now with covid. Fortunately no one I share a shift with.
  21. JT!


    It simply appears that the vaccine isn't that great at stopping transmission. We've been talking for months in here about how people can still get covid and spread it even when they're vaccinated. It looks like we finally have answer that even with everyone vaccinated we still have to take precautions as if we weren't. But I agree with you, lots of variables. We don't really know if high case rates and low deaths are thanks to vaccinations, a different strain, or a combination of both. The good news is that deaths are down which is really the only thing that matters. I honestly didn't realize that it was getting out of hand again in Europe and Australia until I just checked the numbers. The US has seemed to have avoided the worse of the delta spike (or maybe the original spike was massive for the US and it just doesn't look as bad relatively speaking).
  22. JT!


    Yeah I got shingles at the end of last year. And I'm told I'll probably get it again and again throughout my life, because sometimes the body has permanent immunity, sometimes it's temporary, depends on the virus I suppose.
  23. JT!


    That's simply because the effects of the vaccine wears off over time, hence why we're talking about boosters now. But you're playing it out as if it invalidates the thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of studies out there that shows all the covid vaccines have clear and a concise benefit when it comes to preventing symptoms, preventing hospitalizations and preventing deaths. I don't agree that people who haven't been vaccinated should be forced into a lockdown where those who have are not too, but that doesn't mean I literally ignore demonstrable facts and repeat misinformation to fight against it.
  24. JT!


    They do get sick. There's two different ways to look at this. Your experience, or what's actually going on. My coworker told me the other day that 99% of the people in our city hospitals sick with covid right now are vaccinated. Obviously completely untrue, makes no sense and couldn't tell me how she learned of that information other than her sisters daughter works at one of the hospitals. But that's the only information she needs and all the other information out there is manipulated because "that's what they want you to think". You know more people who've had issues with the vaccine than covid because you know more people who've had the vaccine than covid. This is why anecdotal evidence does nothing more than allow people to express their opinions as facts.
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