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Everything posted by JT!

  1. Ok here's what I did. I only have acetone handy right now so I removed the pads and soaked them in acetone for about 15 mins, scrubbed them down with a toothbrush and soaked them again. Removed them and sanded them down on some fine grit sand paper, one last soak. Wiped the rotor down with acetone for about 20 mins. Wiped out the inside of the caliper until the cotton buds came out clean. Put it all back together and pumped the brakes a few times till the pads came in. Immediately, significantly worse than before. We're talking pedaling uphill with the brake held down with ease kind of bad. Tried to bed them in with water and dragging the brake downhill a few times with maybe a slight improvement to bring them up to about the same kind of hold as they were before. We're talking two finger breaking and still doesn't put the bike into a skid. So my options are, 1. Assume they're still contaminated and use fire to decontaminate this time around. 2. Assume I have a defective caliper and it's leaking onto the pads. 3. Although I've bled the breaks half a dozen times, I'm still not getting a good enough bleed on them. Can anyone suggest which of those 3 is the most likely? Edit: Fixed! (Hopefully). Someone sent me @Ali C's "My New Van Is Just What I Needed!" video. Took the pads back out, found my butane lighter and used it on both pads, not ideal, I need a proper torch, but one pad didn't do anything, the other set on fire. I eventually burned out everything and sanded them back down again. Acetoned the rotor, cleaned out the caliper again and even without any bedding in it's already in a different league to where it used to be. I'd imagine once they get bedded in they're gonna be perfect. I'm wondering if it's possible that the caliper is leaking, I'm sure if it is, they'll go bad again, but if they do at least I know so I can replace it. If not, lesson learned, use fire on the pads, not chemicals. Thanks for the help all, this was starting to drive me crazy.
  2. Oh boy does it! Ok I'll give that all that a shot. Pads will take a while to be delivered so I can be doing all this in the meantime.
  3. After buying a used Fourplay I think it's clear to me now that the rear pads and rotor are contaminated. My front break is stupid grabby and will hold solid. The rear has nothing close. I originally thought it was a bad bleed but the lever feels great, I just have zero power. I suspect this is the case because when I bought the bike, the rear brake had been replaced and there was about 2 feet of hose wrapped around the headtube. I think the brake must have leaked onto the rotor and wasn't cleaned properly before installing the new brake improperly. Should I buy new pads or try and decontaminate the old ones? I do have a torch lighter which uses regular lighter fluid, could I use that to burn off contaminates? Or would I need a butane torch? If I should buy new pads, should I stick with Magura ones, or are off-brand as good? If I should stick with magura, should I get P, C or R? Should I use automotive brake cleaner, acetone or ISO alcohol on the rotor? Thanks!
  4. I dusted off my old mod and sold it immediately, after riding my trail bike for a while couldn't go back to that tiny weird twitchy thing. Then they started to build a skatepark down the street from me, my luck kept going up when I found a barely used Fourplay for sale really close by me. Then my luck ran out, the skatepark got put on hold. One of these days I'll ride that bike!
  5. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    Surprise rainstorm 6 hours after I stained my deck. Awesome.
  6. Imagine if they became out of sync.
  7. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    And by that point, it could may well be too late. Women will die because of this.
  8. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    Some already have. There are what's called "trigger laws" which were laws banning abortions as soon as Roe v Wade was repealed. In a lot of right leaning states, abortion is illegal and is ONLY legal if the mother's life is at risk. In those states, if an 14 year old rape victim has become pregnant, she is legally forced to carry her baby to term.
  9. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    Roe v Wade simply meant no state could make abortion illegal. Now that it's been repealed, it's up to the states. I live in a fairly left learning state, so this really won't effect my friends and foamily too much. But I feel for the women in bible belt states who really don't have any options anymore.
  10. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    Don't get me started.
  11. JT!

    More random maths

    Bit of a bump, but relevant.
  12. JT!


    On the 4th day now and I think I'm past the worst of it. Been pretty much the same as a particularly bad cold. The worst thing is the painful swallowing. In home tests seem very accurate, my wife has no symptoms and is testing negative... somehow she hasn't caught it from me!
  13. Frame is from around mid 2000's. The breaks match the age of the frame too. A riding buddy of mine had a frame just like this, although it was the t-mag. He got his frame around 2004 I believe. I don't recall what the differences were. He managed to break one and got it replaced. Make sure the breaks work, I'd imagine this bike has been sat in a shed for 12 years. The breaks are hydraulic so if they don't work the seals have probably gone and you'd need to rebuild them.
  14. JT!


    It appears I have covid. I work retail so it was bound to happen sooner or later. Went to work feeling not so great but did an at home test that morning and it was negative, did 2 when I got back home after leaving early and they were both positive. Coworkers are all bitchy now because I came to work with covid as if I knew about it. Ironically the only reason one of them is working with us is because he got fired from his old job for coming to work knowing he had covid. He denies it, but it's probably true. I'm feeling about the same as having a regular cold so I may get off lucky.
  15. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    Discovered my chain is too stretched to ride the 50 miles I hoped to today.
  16. I'm assuming at those speeds tiny aero gains would be more beneficial than peddling like a hummingbird on the top tube, but who knows.
  17. Imagine how much faster he'd have gone if he tied his hair back.
  18. Oh wow, my account still exists and all the videos I uploaded are still there. Crazy. Should be all the old Zoo and Echo videos here: http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/?search_field=fil_mem_id&search=67825
  19. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    Eh, who cares? Cats are cleaner than most humans anyway. If it's not causing a disturbance then why do anything about it? Fun fact, in the US the only other animal that can officially be a service animal other than a dog is a miniature horse.
  20. Picked up this beauty for $120. Not reason why, just thought it was cool and will give me something to tinker with this summer. I feel like it's gonna be fast.
  21. Haha, didn't even notice that! Not even sure where that picture was pulled from.
  22. I had this issue with smooth cams. Ended up switching to Monty ones with big notches and had no issues after that.
  23. This is the original thread when the video came out. I'd seen Danny ride in one other video maybe and knew he was doing stuff that I'd never seen before, but this was on a whole new level.
  24. What was that site that started with two e's that we used to host trials vids?
  25. Great video, but made me feel bad because I can't wheelie. I guess the time to learn is now!
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