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Everything posted by JT!

  1. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    My area is kind of away from the center of the city so not seen too much. Fortunately I had the weekend off, now all the stores are closed overnight so I get a paid vacation.
  2. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    I'm in Duluth Minnesota about 2 hours away from Minneapolis, protests are starting to form at night here. I work in a gas station chain and last night a female employee was attacked while the store was being looted at another location 2 miles away. I do believe I'm expected to head into work tonight at 10pm, they should 100% be closing the store before nightfall but I doubt they're going to.
  3. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    Certainly not angry, but this is the only place for it. Took a ride out on my mod for the first time in about 11 years, been fixing it up for the last few weeks. The thing is horrific to ride. After being on TF for 15 years now, I suddenly have an appreciation for all the hate that I saw thrown towards 20" trials bikes. Obviously I'm completely out of practice, but after riding my 27.5 trail bike, this thing just doesn't do it for me anymore. I think it might be time to part ways and look into other bigger wheel options. No idea what direction to go as I've never ridden any other types of trials bikes... I might just have to see what's out there and give something a try if I can sell it.
  4. Urgh, I don't have any thin enough washers to line it up perfectly. Smallest I've got is 1mm. With or without it, it rubs either side.
  5. I love how all these old t-pros are suddenly making a comeback. Nice find!
  6. My cousin had this frame once upon a time. It's pretty standard so you shouldn't have an issue with parts.
  7. It got knocked off in the back of the car because it was pushed against some folded down seats. But yeah it could have been in it's lowest gear. I think i might just screw in the bolts that used to hold the small chainring on that might do the trick.
  8. Yeah it never comes off when riding, it's juts happened once or twice when I'm working on it or transporting it. It wouldn't be a big deal if it didn't immediately drop into that gap and become impossible to remove.
  9. How do I stop this from happening? Converted to a 1x up front from a 3x is why this issue exists. It never falls off when I'm riding, it got knocked off when I was getting it out of the car. But it gets so stuck I have to pull the crank off to get at it.
  10. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    I can give it a shot, but I'm already riding with some thermal biking pants that have kept my legs warm all the way down to -7c. When it's a little above freezing I feel like they're probably overkill, I can't imagine wearing another layer under them, I'd start baking. Fortunately this is a non issue now as morning temps have picked up.
  11. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    The problem is the rest of me is fine, too warm if anything. Certainly wouldn't want to add more layers to anything else. I'm gonna give a cheap pair of heated socks a try. If they work out I'll buy a better pair next winter.
  12. Might be misunderstanding you, but wouldn't adding washers in just cause the same issue the snail cam is?
  13. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    It's certainly not helping. But even with just a plain old regular sock and a hand warmer in there my toes still go numb. I think I'm gonna have to get a pair of electric socks.
  14. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    Out. And yeah with wool socks and regular socks I'm pretty packed into the shoes.
  15. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    No matter what I do I can not keep my feet warm when I go out riding. I got some winterized skate shoes, wool socks with a pair of regular socks under them, all of my toes went completely numb. Tried the same shoes with a chemical warmer in them too and that slightly helped but I wasn't exactly comfortable. Temps on both rides were about -2c to 2c. I'm running out of ideas.
  16. JT!


    It's only a matter of time before I get this shit and bring it home to the wife. Co worker showed up today coughing, customers still licking their fingers to count out singles and the store has run out of hand sanitizer for customer use.
  17. I probably would have know this 10 years ago, but I remember something about Monty hubs being longer than the regular back end of most mods? I took my brakes off to get them serviced, along with the back wheel as it needed a new chain and the brake booster/extender (I have a 200mm rear rotor because). There was a lot of spacers in there, but not enough to make up the 3/8th of a inch gap between the center of the pads and the disc rotor. The back wheel was a little tight going in, a light spread of the back end was needed, but I don't think that would be responsible for 3/8" gap just on that one side. I feel like it has something to do with the hub. Specs: Czar frame (the original one I think), Monty hub with two snail cams, a2z extender, original hope mono trials I believe. All these parts would be from around 2005-2008. Apart from the frame and the brakes, this was a complete tartybikes build bought used.
  18. JT!


    The bike trails are finally open!
  19. JT!


    No, but not everyone is getting the flu every season. Everyone is potentially getting coronavirus. And on top of that, we don't know how to treat conroavirus yet, but we have a lot of experience with the flu. I'm certainly not one of those "it's just the flu" people. Even if it was as deadly as the flu we'd still treat it the same as we are because no one is immune. I'm just wondering ultimately when all this is said and done how deadly this virus actually is. Obviously the mortality % will always be dropping because of more tests and better treatments, just wondering by how much it'll drop.
  20. JT!


    Those are just total deaths though right? I'm more talking about, if I got the flu, or if I got corona virus, what would be the likelihood of me dying? I've read the chances of dying from the flu are around 0.1% and 1% for coronavirus if someone got it. But these numbers are based on tested people, most people don't get tested for either, but seeing as though we have limited tests for corona virus, only the worse cases are being tested, I'm wondering if we were freely testing everyone who's sick, could those %s be the same? And yeah I'm not downplaying the seriousness of it, and obviously no one is immune so it'll spread fast, but makes me wonder how deadly this thing is.
  21. Post it to r/whatisthisthing. Someone will tell you what it is.
  22. JT!


    Genuine question, is it possible that coronavirus is actually about as dangerous as the flu? How do we know it isn't given that we're testing covid-19 and the flu differently?
  23. JT!


    Honestly I'm still working serving customers and I don't even wear a mask. Why you'd need one outside when you're riding along on a bike is beyond my understanding.
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