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Everything posted by JT!

  1. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    He's such a turd. I'm on day three of the temperature being somewhere between -20c at the hottest and -32c at the coldest, not including windchill. Thankfully it's going to warm up a little tomorrow, but wow has it ever sucked the will to live out of me.
  2. JT!


    I remember seeing the teaser trailer and thinking it was going to be amazing, but I was under the impression it was going to be more of a political movie about how a president managed to stay on for a 3rd term and the country went to war with its self. I didn't recall anything about the press side of it. Still a cool movie but I'd love to see a movie about what lead up to it.
  3. JT!

    The Happy Thread

    I had a friend who's transitioned, then went back. He has quite a lot of mental and physical health issues. But just like everything in life, some people can handle change, it frees them, and they live a much happier life. Some people transition and end up just as miserable as they were before, because the problem wasn't their apparent gender in the first place. However, you can't base your opinions on one persons experience, just in the same way you can't judge a vaccine because you had X number of mates who got sick for a day or two when they had it. You're starting to strike me as someone who is very influenced by anecdotal evidence, I'd encourage you to start looking at the bigger picture. With regards to Trump, I believe he's paid a settlement of millions of dollars. He's been accused of rape and sexual assault from dozens of women. He literally said on a hot mic "you can grab them by the pussy". We're pretty much certain he slept with Stormy Daniels (a consensual encounter to be fair) and who knows what "arrangement" he has with his wife, so even if it wasn't adultery, he still broke election rules by not disclosing that. With regards to Bidens sexual assault claim, first of all it's whataboutism, if Biden did do what was claimed then he's a rapist too, that doesn't change anything about Trump. His accusation however was from one single women, and it's not really clear cut. The victim ended up defecting to Russia and was friends with a Russian spy. So who knows wtf is going on there. He also never paid her off. It's not easy to become a dictator in a strong democracy, but he certainly started to try and lean that way. But if you don't think trying to overturn an election isn't a dictatorish move, I don't really know how to convince you otherwise. I agree both parties have flaws, and as time goes on both parties will probably move to be more and more central. I know the Democrats really have to revaluate for 2028 because I think this loss came as a shock to half the country. What exactly do you think Biden has done wrong in the last 4 years? Other than being someone who was probably too old to be running the county.
  4. JT!

    The Happy Thread

    Yeah I consider myself fairly left wing. Pro-choice, pro lgbtq movement, for socialized medicine, more funding for social programs etc. It's a no brainer for me to vote Democrat, 90% of my beliefs on how this country should be ran matches their values. But even if I wasn't, I couldn't in good conscience vote for Trump. He's a literal criminal, rapist, adulterer, wanna be dictator who was born into a life of luxury and has no understanding of any kind of normal life. He's a failed businessman who's declared bankruptcy on his businesses multiple times. During his presidency he was impeached twice, had a terrible response to covid (although I'm well aware of your opinion on covid so that might not mean much to you), tried to stay in power by disregarding the results of the election he lost and he elected Brett Kavanaugh (another rapist) to the highest court in the land. I think it's fair to say that's pretty dodgy, but this time, he's got nothing to lose.
  5. JT!

    The Happy Thread

    Weird, inbox isn't full and not disabled. I don't really think the current government in the US is extreme left, I don't think they ran on a platform of extreme leftism. My email is in my profile here if you'd like, but I think it's a valuable discussion to have for others to join in. Open discussion is how things are changed and made better.
  6. JT!

    The Happy Thread

    Are you referring to the presidential debates? The media in the US are private organizations unlike the BBC, so I'm not sure how they can be controlled to any degree really. It's crazy that we have two polar opposite viewpoints on this. I think it's blatantly evident that Trump only speaks to the importance of freedom of speech, but when you look at his actions, they tell a different story. Lafayette Square is a good example. And then we have Trump pressuring people to find him more votes, false claims of voter fraud, basically anything to try and stay in power when democracy has spoken and don't forget firing the Director of the FBI because he was investigating him. I don't see how these are the actions of a man who places any value in democracy and freedom of speech. Compare that to Biden... what exactly has he done to be a threat to them? I'm big on free speech too, I believe it should be a fundamental right and the restrictions on it in the UK are bullshit.
  7. JT!

    The Happy Thread

    I don't think it had much to do with "wokeness". Honestly the democrats really didn't run on a platform of being woke, anti-gun, pro immigration, and everything else you can think about that's generally considered leftist issues or complains from the right. They knew they had those people in the bag and tried to go after the undecided voters by keeping it pretty centrist. I personally voted for Harris, my first time voting as a citizen, democratic polices align with my beliefs and I'm probably always going to vote that way regardless of who is the front runner, but even if I wasn't, after swearing an oath to the constitution and democracy when I become a citizen there's no way I could vote for Trump. The next 4 years are going to be the biggest threat of a dictatorship in the US since it's inception. Although I think it's massively unlikely, the idea is still scary. What behavior do you think is really concerning? I'm honestly still in disbelief, I figured since Biden won somewhat comfortably in 2020, Trump should have only lost more voters in those 4 years rather than gain. I feel like I have to put it down to her simply been a women and America isn't ready for a female president yet, I guess I hope America is sexist rather than stupid. I'll admit to be out of touch with what the majority of the country want.
  8. JT!

    The Happy Thread

    It's finally done. Half a decade in the making.
  9. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    Smart move, I think Harris will pull in a bunch of fence sitters and non-voters. She gets my vote.
  10. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    I don't think it's too late for Bernie Sanders to join the race!
  11. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    Fair enough, misinterpreted the comment. Honestly if Biden wins I think Harris will take over at some point in the 4 years.
  12. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    Have you seen the alternative?
  13. We got a couple of smart outlets that we have lamps connected to because a third of our home has no ceiling lights, and for some reason our living room was divided up with a wall to make a new room so the switch that shuts off a wall outlet (a cheat to keep it up to code) could only affect one room anyway, so rather than stumbling around in the dark we just tell google to turn them on. Then I installed a smart thermostat which is extremely useful. You can have the house warmed up before you get back home. Google home mini in every single room, $1 each because I scammed a digital radio service which had a loophole so you could sign up for multiple at the same address. They let me play music in every room, can even group them and play music through them all at the same time which is fun.
  14. JT!

    The Angry Thread.

    I've ran into this, I've only ever seen it used for trash bag thickness. I assumed it was millimeter too until I realized the numbers didn't make any sense.
  15. Yep that's where we're at. Homes still sitting at inflated prices with interest rates being the highest they've been since before the 2008 crash. We could have afforded a $150k home a year and a half ago, now we'd struggle with a $120k. Fortunately our savings are sat earning significant money now. So our plan is to hope for a housing crash and maybe get something for a reasonable price.
  16. Mortgage rates for me are going to be over 7% right now. I was basing all my math on less than 4.
  17. Mortgage preapprovals came back for us with no issues other than I thought the numbers were a quite off. Seems that interest rates have risen (at least here in the US) dramatically, pricing us out of the market for now. Feeling a lot of regret for not jumping on this last year but it is what it is.
  18. Eh, in for a penny in for a pound. New rotor ordered.
  19. I've already ordered an entire new break. You think I have to replace the rotor too? Can't just acetone the crap out of it?
  20. Urgh, I give up. Went through all the process again and still shit. Might just toss the thing in the shed and worry about it next year. Spent two weekends trying to get this sorted so I can ride it properly before winter, looks like that's not gonna happen. This is what the rotor looks like after I toss on some water to try and see if it needs to bed in. Not sure if it's mineral oil, or just left over debris from sanding the pads.
  21. Thanks! I'll double check and make sure everything is tight. The first time I torched the pads and put them back on they worked amazingly well with zero bedding in. So I'm going to do that to the pads again. I don't want to use new pads until I've figured out what the issue is because I'll just end up contaminating them too.
  22. Urgh, I'm slowly heading back to square one. Went and had a spin on it today and about halfway back to the worst it's ever been. Another thing I noticed is that one piston doesn't really want to retract from the disc while the other seems to move freely. The disc is perfectly centered in the caliper. Defective caliper? Maybe leaking and contaminating the pads? EDIT: Took the caliper off and on the mounts there was mineral oil, the whole underside of the caliper had a film of mineral oil on it. Tried to align the pads by using a method Magura suggested, but it seems the pads sit sooooo close to the disc there's always going to be come kind of light rubbing, I guess this might sort its self out as the pads bed in and level (I've been swapping the pads in and out / sanding etc). So the plan is to remove the caliper and the pads, torch the pads to decontaminate, then go over the caliper and disc with acetone and hope that the issue is is that I didn't do a good enough of a clean the first time around which is certainly possible. This would also explain why they work really well then slowly degrade with use. Thoughts? @Ali C I saw you do this in one of your vids recently, any ideas?
  23. JT!


    The 6th Day really holds up even 22 years after it's released.
  24. JT!

    Vapers Thread

    Yeah but I switched to one that you can put "herbs" in now.
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