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Everything posted by Monty99

  1. The forxx have a little hole in it
  2. viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz viz i ride my rear rim since august 05
  3. We hope to see you in Graz/Austria. Any date allready? you can see the my favourite street spot of all time right here ( )its in vienna
  4. in our indoor spot http://www.picupload.biz/img_2132_bgl.gif
  5. thats kind of ultra-specced... can't close my mouth ... it keeps hanging if i think about riding that thing
  6. so nice...wow thats the e.t., isnt it? could say something about the geo, please?
  7. That was me Was such a great time with those guys! Excellent Video, nice action at all locations!
  8. when i had those monty cranks on my lite, they hit the yoke on the left side (even with a 127.5mm bb)...now i'm running old echos and everythings fine deng + deng = wooohoooo!!! nice bike! i love mine too greez from graz
  9. i heard gilles coustellier won the french championships.
  10. Monty99

    Pow Pow

    so simple, so nice... What's the geo on those Zeniths? Do they last long(er than XTPs)? Put on a Rohloff and its perfect.
  11. Monty99

    Ly Mite

    indeed. but therefor a street bar setup is a must theres nothing better than a well shaped Zoo bar.
  12. How is the tension working for you? 4-point booster necessary? I guess thats the nicest 26" Adamant i've ever seen...WOW!
  13. Monty99

    Koxx Xtp

    wow! excellent setup! Whats the front hub? looks like a fat ViZ
  14. Monty99

    Ly Mite

    Actually i bought that wheel (viz-rim only) in 08/05. So it lasts nearly 2 years (about 5 grinds) without any dents. The spoke tension is perfect since i got the wheel. Maybe the new viz-rims are crap, but there is no reason why i should say something about mine.
  15. Monty99

    Ly Mite

    Echo Lite 06 Monty Cranks Viz Rear Wheel White Industries ENO Zoo Bars 01' Lousie + Deore Lever
  16. Oh wow...that looks sweet! How much weight did it gain?
  17. you are serious?? just a few facts: Monty Pro 07 Frame: 1,9 kg,disc mount yes!, 179£ Echo Team 07 Frame: 2,08 kg, disc mount no...299£ (in Germany) Monty X-Lite ISIS cranks: 64£, 362g Adamant ISIS cranks (one length wtf?): 122£, 537g I ride a few Deng products aswell: Fork, Stem, Booster, Zoo-Handlebar (best bars ever!!) I just said that there are too much Deng parts IN MY OPINION / FOR MY TASTE on that Adamant I didnt say Asia products are shit, deng is shit, the Adamant in this thread is shit
  18. didnt know that (how should i)
  19. one little difference between monty and deng: monty = light + good quality deng = heavy (and i mean really heavy) + not so good quality maybe i'm just a bit envious because i cant afford a complete deng bike have fun with it!!
  20. deng-stuff... deng: echo-adamant-gu-owner Dont like those cranks, headsets, hubs...
  21. too much deng imho weight?
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