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Everything posted by CBProductions

  1. yes thats why they are operating the cameras and myself and another rider or few would be looking at angles e.t.c , sorry I have been a bit vague .
  2. It would be coverage of selected trials events and would be professionally done and placed into a dvd format and charged around £10-15 for the dvd ,
  3. The same people that do oceanfest and glastonbury so ,, cool (Y) thanks for your vote
  4. Hey people , Just want to hear your opinions on this matter ,
  5. :"> will get it sorted when im back home dude .
  6. cheers guys my address is burnsy1364@hotmail.com catch you on there . Thanks again Craig
  7. I know this may be in the wrong area. But I was wondering if anyone could add me to aol or msn and send me the the video of him where intro song is Limp Bizkit 'eat you alive'. Much Appreciate any help Cheers Craig
  8. email is in profile and have been reasonably busy , any updates on whats happening dude ? A lot of members have been online and have spoken to me but nothing was mentioned. I back at home for a bit well on thursday after i'm back from chepstow , so I'm able to work with more stuff. i'm interested in doing a lot of filming work so ill attend the rides as camera person e.t.c editor and up to you if you want to use my stuff or not. Craig p.s Full membership was gratefully received by myself this morning
  9. sorry I phrased things wrong , apologies . Craig
  10. Cheers everyone I was hoping that there would be a place that sold them straight off rather than having to cut them down and thread them. Cheers for advice though :P Craig
  11. I have broken a spoke in my rear wheel, its the standard 2005 t-pro wheelset. It was the last reasonable ability of keeping my wheel straight. Any ideas what length and where I could get them from ? P.S Could anyone also recommend some proper chain tugs please ? Cheers Craig
  12. I doubt they had put it in properly as I had the same problem with my t-pro. Just get the headtube refaced then grease it up and ensure its installed using a press not a BMF of a hammer!! :P Craig
  13. Am I till being envolved in this club ? I dont seem to be asked or told anything. I know ive been away but email or texts would be good. Let us know whats happening Craig
  14. Last time I was on form 8 blue crates to pedal. Craig
  15. I have the same problem at moment as the weight of a profile puts me of a little as it unbalances the bike. Also I keep breaking something just as I have enough money. Go eno if you want lightness and nice engagement profile if you want long lasting performance. Craig
  16. Dependant on: the conditions and area you ride? Weather you want to maintain it all the time? How much you've got to spend. The list goes on , As for discs in downhill and in trials, downhill they are being used at high speed where as trials its all modulation. So what you think is crap may be really good on a trials bike for instance the Avid's. I would go with a v-brake as I've seen the setups they give but don't over look the avid's cable disc :(" Craig
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