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Everything posted by CBProductions

  1. Hes extremly good now but hes stopped going big as he wants to get more stylish and flowing and funnily enough he has, because of the commitment he shows.
  2. Yeah depends on your budget and what your using them for I mean I wouldnt think of buying a pair under £200 due to the quality I need.
  3. You really have no Idea about him or his riding or about freeriding, why dont you watch some of it. Like the 60 footer in utah that he smashed himself up on and came back 6 times (thats takes a lot to do) and finally nailed it. That really shows him just throwing himself off of stuff. Hes actually racing Downhill now and is pretty damn stylish so that shows that he just doesnt throw himeslf off stuff.
  4. Macs are better but pc's are more mainstream always have been always will be but with the new digital fashion coming about people are buying macs mini's just to look good. I use a Mac g5 for work and shizzle and pc for jus messing about and internet, microsoft will always be poorer than apple because apple are specialist. Craig
  5. Analogue to digital convertor check out internet or local pc shops , dont capture it in analogue format otherwise youll have hell with the editing. Craig
  6. Age ? Temperature ? Has it been dropped ? Spec of the computer ? Bios settings ? If you could answer as many as possible please and im sure the solution will be in the reply to one of these questions . Craig
  7. He was the one who actually progressed freeriding and made people think ahh thats actually possible so less of the moaning. A one nathan rennie is attempting a 100ft jump soon and that guy has talent but he feels the need to go big so he goes big. I mean ok yeah they have travel but thats why they do rolling drops and not static like trials riders do!! I mean its ok for trial people to bust off big drops and not get slated why is it different for Downhillers and freeriders ??. As for the 360 drops check out Darren Berrecloth he is nailing them on huge drops. Sorry for the moan I just hate this divide Craig
  8. Wow I'm impressed, hopefully see you moro mr will :P
  9. Nearly there not quite but large screen porn is damn cool ^_^ Its basically where a video creationist creates clips, edits them then goes along to a club and mixes his/her clips together to create emotion and envoirment for those so far gone clubbers http://www.warprecords.com/vision/ check them out they will give you an insight. Craig
  10. CBProductions


    Just wondering if there was anyone else on the forum who likes to dable in the glorious world of it. Craig
  11. Basics first (windows movie maker or ulead) then when you get better and get a job/money buy your software as well as getting new equipment. Plus its no good having this ace program if your pc cannot handle it well. Stop advising people to download software your turning the industry into a mess!!
  12. CBProductions

    Mk Video

    Good video Liked that , nice moves well strung together like they've said some repeat issues, try and make your transitions between things smoother (edit wise). Otherwise good result for your first attempt Craig
  13. I like them shots , nicely taken, a bit more information as to who they are would be nice but it's not too important. The event looked awesome! Keep it up Craig
  14. Nice riding , shame the quality let you down. Style isn't always important you're riding thats the main thing and its good. I tend to disagree with peoples bad opinions , he knows the editing is bad and the quality poor so why go on about it. Just have a read through about editing and compression and sod what people think about the music its you're own choice and to be honest you'll never please everyone. Keep up the riding Craig
  15. It seems I always miss the rides that our in my own damn town. Sketchy drop there mr will though gutsy move. Nice riding there, a few familiar lines , needs to be more footage though. Craig
  16. In one of the options it should let you check or uncheck the pitch retainment, have a look round or possibly read the manual. hope you solve the problem Craig
  17. Mini dv and DV are only worth getting if you're going to spend a minimum of £500! I would look into hi8 as now they are not the industry standard anymore, you can pick up a pretty decent one for cheap. Craig
  18. I kinda have to plug sennheiser as I use the for many of my mixes , so go get some! Craig
  19. hhhmmm craig it appears you have taste now. Good choice in bike you getting into DH or something ? Also how you affording that ? I can't ride saturday as its my mum's birthday but I can do friday and sunday ???? I suggest um anywhere thats isnt a ball ache away.
  20. Laptops have never impressed me but NICE :turned: have you considered an Ibook or are you a big PC fan. If you have the funds and can justify the purpose of owning it then Yes but otherwise match your needs.
  21. Sorry didnt read it that way *hides* (Y) just your angles thats all matey
  22. Big gap and nicely made but dont get overly chuffed with the photos I think they could have been better. Craig
  23. Downloading now , thanks JT and can't wait to see this insane stuff , will edit once watched
  24. I'm more hardcore because I come from rhyl and dare to ride something expensive in public. *sad but true fact*
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