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Everything posted by CBProductions

  1. Thats a bloody gorgeous bike to be starting on congrats and nice price as well
  2. lol yeah I dont think there was many crashes in the footage in all honest, I shall find a few for my next edit Im guessing your the mick I was lifting logs with for the sections
  3. Yeah man getting the editing better , just keep hacking away an get the steady hand improved. Riding is cool as well and music brought me back to the old school!!
  4. Yeah I didnt think the mucis would be to everyone's approval but ahh well , thanks for your comments dude the natural does get a bit boring but its there for the people who voted for it. Cheers For replying
  5. No worries dude , its all about spreading the word. Thanks for the comments keep them coming as I'm sure there is a lot more on the forum then has posted in here so stop being selfish and drop a comment. Craig
  6. *coughs* yeah I had some on my giant dh team had great lock but no hold when I played with them.
  7. Boiling water , meths an lighter , lighter on its own , hayes are ok but I found them to be ver sloppy on a trials bike when I had felt one. Just clean your rotor it'll sort itself out then no need to change rotors
  8. Nice Riding , editing could have been better but meh it shows your talent and the immense riding spot , nice one .. Feel free to dl the one that I have made an comment on it.
  9. keep it in the family eh ... welcome dude
  10. Oh another big shout out to the bands : The Racketears and Skunk fish , check them out on the above addresses at the top , The racka's have a new ep out which needs listening to because they are on fire
  11. I submurged my wheel in water with a grind an it worked perfectly when it came out tar is nasty
  12. I wont mention that we get it up here otherwise ill get rugby tackled my a wet soapy bigman lol
  13. Dont be silly , go to www.apple.com/quicktime its a free download and takes like 20 mins.
  14. Hang out with your wang out mr william !!!! Good point .
  15. Yeah its quite hard to make a video using natural but I like the challenge thanks dude
  16. Yeah blackpool rocks , I love that place sooo many lines an bit of riding. No wonder you lot are all beasts Thanks for the comments so far I think if you are having trouble downloading it , it should be pretty free for more people to dl it
  17. I owe you a pint by the way as its on your account lol , yes the link does work , if you are having trouble its either your pc or too many trying to dl at once.
  18. Well there it is , finally finished it. Some sketchy bits and bobs, its been compressed to provide you with under 300mb file size and 17mins of footage. Its of the fort william comp and other stuff we did on the way up there. The host is reliable as its just been tested. The quality is fine. I was up til 8am this morning due to a power cut placing me 2 hours behind schedule Check out these bands as well as they provided the music to make this happen www.myspace.com/skunkfishmusic www.theracketears.co.uk/index.php A big thank you to everyone who has helped with this or been some form of a great time had in scotland. I hope you enjoy it no doubt there will be lots of moaning swines picking at bits but here you are : http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/miccheck right click save as , must have lastest quicktime to view this.
  19. I know that the dvd : Mastering the Art Of Trials isnt great and it costs but I found the way he explains things and shows you really good , It has helped me a lot.
  20. So have I ! . Now lets have a little more detail placed and also try and sort the link out
  21. Im sunburnt but I havent wrote on it thought , legendary move ,
  22. Does that mean we all get to invade kyles ass on saturday.
  23. Is lube provided an will we need our helmets for protection
  24. You should change the options to 04 that dont break because of the design and 05 which break under a fly landing on it and pooping. The internal tpa isnt all its cracked up to be , I find the 05's lovely but just lacking in firm reassuring feel. Get the 04 and bodge a nice bolt for a tpa
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