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Everything posted by CBProductions

  1. Take a large case of his favorite beer and a huge invitation round an talk to him dude , its not even feesable to let her family miss out on her sepcial day. Congrats and good luck dude
  2. I must say there is a degree of irresponsibleness (spell) to it and I have to agree with brisa, that kinda shizzle should stay on a track an where people cant mess up or hurt anyone. It does happen when you least expect it and ok yeah its probably very funny but do it out of the way an not on public roads where people can get hurt.
  3. Or learn about it yourself that way you can understand what you are doing, I use to got the gym but I have found that by just riding my stamina has improved. Although lots of cardio and flexability training cant hurt
  4. Yes been into modding for a while but its proves quite costly and pointless unless your very bored!! Unless you have the top of the range chip an ram e.t.c and want to squeeze the last bit of juice out of it there is no real point in doing it with the others because you should just buy a better chip. Not to say I dont like seeing what can be done I just kinda grew out of it.
  5. Ace I shall let you know when I come down, should be soon though as will be visiting the lady friend
  6. hehe clips of rhyl sneaking in there , yeah nice video guys real good riding.. Shame you never let anyone know when your coming rhyl .. I know we smell but
  7. Cool beans , Im staying in uckfield so if that means anything then cool !! , What sorta days do you ride ?
  8. I dont really have patients and this one kinda wentr wrong in places , im glad you liked it though waynio , you going moelfre ?
  9. Cool , fatty rides in brighton , seems like no one else lives in brighton ahh well ,
  10. I had a ride on waddy's little steed and it was fantastic , It made me think about weather or not I had made the rigth decision going with my toxsin. Nice and light , strong , flickable and very shiny too. Great price as well !
  11. But that really doesnt work though. You can't say by a set of numbers how a big is going to feel an weather its closer to a mod or a stock. Either way it is it's own breed called 24" It rides uniquely and in my opinion from other 24" bikes Ive rode on they are more mod like than stock. I found adjusting to stock timing very difficult at first but 24" I found it fine.
  12. You big gay matthew , does this mean I'll be getting harrased at early times of the morning to go riding , Come on people someone must be passing nearish by wales to get there just need a life to actual venue I guess and maybe a power point.
  13. BUMP - come on people surely there has got to be someone living down there.
  14. Nice meaty riding , editing wasnt to bad either... Music fitted well although I do think promo's should have a lot more of the product envolved (hence addressing the promotion side). It seems that Toxsin is making itself know n now Cheers for posting this JJ Craig
  15. I run echo stem and zoo bars which when tilted slightly back give a lovely feel to my long mod so Id recommend them or the onza stem on tarty and zoo bars.
  16. Unlucky dude, what were you trying to do before hand ? Hope you get better soon !!!
  17. Cool ... dont like the wide angle lens showing but personal preference that is otherwise cracking
  18. Yeah and they bloody breathalized me first
  19. I think it was my fatness that didnt make us stop in time , if you need a hand with anything just give us a shout , the above points are just the same as me an jamie came up with. Lets hope your on the road and trucking again soon boyo
  20. Now just learn to backhop it and you're away
  21. Ahhh how I miss the days on her .... very nicely done. Hope it helps your progress
  22. You think it would be better put together than that ... shocking.... really bad angles and no information giving i.e no titles e.t.c. If its as informative as mastering the art of trials then It should be good.
  23. Was a nice watch just need to make it flow a little better with some fade in's and some titles , looks like lovely places to ride in there. Keep it up
  24. Interesting style to a video but 7 mins long for a couple of moves isnt really good , Nice riding just not my cup of tea editing wise.
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