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Everything posted by CBProductions

  1. It will just move the stress to a different place if im not mistaken , and anyhow if you've done that to the tpro I would suggest maybe a different frame and something a bit more robust. In my opinion I would go for a new frame out of simplicity. Toxsin mod long is nice
  2. Doing the same as the thounsands of other office workers who dont fight in the army. They have a tough job and yet we may not agree with their decisions, they have to make them. I think they are both CO*KS but I respect them because it isnt an easy job sending men out there knowing they will / could not come back. Back to topic though people.
  3. back up your files and reinstall would be my way but yeah antivirus for you lazy people that think that it does anything , haha spacemunkee nice sly hint there
  4. At home , having just got back from down south. Although I must remind you that people die everyday and I do think that some consideration should be given to these people but also to all the others like the soldiers that die and go unnoticed and such like. RIP Craig
  5. all done , username cbproductions
  6. As im bored im going to install it an try but I doubt my pc will keep up, username will be cbproductions
  7. Much better , good song choice good use of angles and effects. Kept simple and immense riding !! Whats with the changes in bikes all the time though ? Also where is that ?
  8. They have rips in them , so I helped him out by throwing lx tape his way.
  9. dislexia is no excuse, my friend is better than me at spelling.
  10. In my opinion for the riders featured it would be hassle for them to have random people adding them and sending them emails and such like. Maybe set up an account that receives all the email then give the riders access to that. Im not to up to date with methods but ahh well thought I'd try and help. Good to see you've updated though. Loving the comments on wing although he's gone to wales for the sheep not uni
  11. CBProductions


    Im worried about your state of health JT and use of time , whats the difference between the zhi pythong and the normal one ? Not a major fan of uni's but that looks pretty cool
  12. Thats the finished version then matt hmmm so so too many effects for my liking but you love them so its all good , bit unsteady camera work looked like alex's style . That crash of yours should have had the sound in as it was harsh!!! I need to start progressing soon as your overtaking me by far you numpty! All in all good vid , Craig
  13. Getting now you fat spoon !!
  14. Are you going by car or train ? If car then just sleep in the car its not that bad I guess. If not then youth hostels are cheap and good.
  15. I really got along with that frame when I tried it in bangor its lovely and geo is spot on , except your weird gearing will!!! Cracking purchase and seems to have sorted you out nicely.!!! Craig
  16. Good to see progression and updates. It's hard to keep things like that going I guess when you have other things to do. I wouldnt worry too much about speed e.t.c as most people have broadband. I like the site and can't really comment further however a few more videos could be ace and some more pictures Well done and keep it up
  17. Sweet as , you seem to have nearly all the techniques dialled keep it up
  18. Just korea being rebelious and trying to provoke USA to showing what bullies they are. For a start if a missle did take off they wouldnt last long as our defenses are pretty strong and also we would probably launch a missle twice as big an remove them
  19. Im what you have missed dave haha nah im quite unique don't quite think you can classify me into anything as I like what I like and dislike what I dislike
  20. http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/miccheck there you go boumsoung
  21. Beautiful , really really like that. The riding was cool , the music was good bits of a stephen hawking voice in it lol and great to use the little clips to as well. You seem to have a nice city or town there. Keep it up Craig
  22. A lot of angles on that I didn't like but a lot I did. Mixed opinions on this one but the riding was just beasty
  23. Ahh nice technique , twas good !
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