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Everything posted by CBProductions

  1. Im grateful you have made the effort for so long dude. You have my respect for doing it and realising when you had to pack it in.
  2. Someone's going to have a headache lol , ahh well good to hear or read that your enjoying yourself simon!!
  3. Ahh thats a big rig jesus christ soo many moving heads !! I used to work the Tidy events and that was pretty hardcore but man the crew at their must have been fu**ed after that!! Looks pretty cool not my scene except for all the technical malarky
  4. lose weight You know im messing dude, try a powerball and some fish oil tablets e.t.c But if it gets worse go doctor as it could be anything!!!
  5. apparantly some weiner is getting me up early to go ride wigwam !!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Your zoot gone ? nice monty have always been slightly nice
  7. He was actually just trying to get a load of random people to ring you asking for bars but it ended up turning into lets help them thread
  8. thompson designed one to have a slight curve to them ,
  9. mine hasnt yet , why do you ask ? Also are you after any wheel size ?
  10. Back yourself up then check your power ratings an drain across the pc. I had this happen when I overclocked it just dies.
  11. Maybe but I just dont see how or why and after everything else hes said it's just a bit odd. If he does then fair do's to him
  12. Thats an awfully big emo killing tool dude , nice work
  13. ahh yeah forgot about that issue :$
  14. You have put the rotor on the right way so it claws e.t.c ? hmmm odd ..
  15. Retract the pistons with a tyre lever then ensure that you have put your wheel in the dropouts properly seems a silly thing to ask but its got to be checked as I've done it myself. Also check all your bolts incase something has come loose
  16. I thought he wanted to know where was a good local bar for people that are unique
  17. Cable or hydraulic ? and the model
  18. The last guy I knew who tested programs was a fully fledged computer programmer and has spent like years learning his shizzle to be where he was and even then he still didnt know enough to test for microsoft. I guess they are getting in some pro help from mr wright.
  19. So you test updates out , meaning you look for faults and check coding and how it effects all the other programs ?
  20. Not again , last time I was scared mentally for a while will get some more pictures up you homo as it's a nice frame
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