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Everything posted by CBProductions

  1. If you are keen on the type of work you would be doing for free it's very worth doing it as it looks good on your cv and you learn so much I Was travelling down to bristol and places like that for £10 a day because my train fair was like £40 and working 13-15 hour days in the warehouse and out on gigs just so I could learn and gain experience and enhance my cv and because I love it. Electrical engineering is a good field and means you can apply your knowledge to most things. for example what I do sound and video , they both rely heavily on the operators knowledge of power e.t.c and if you are able to fix problems your ahead. Just try different things It took me 4 years to find myself. Get out there work your arse off the piss your life up the wall when you are older and earning the money , Hope this makes some sense and is some help.
  2. CBProductions


    You will have lots of issues due to some software not being vista updated go search the manufactuer's websites for updates or drivers to help you. I havent used this but having experience many upgrades this is usually the case of some software being out of date.
  3. Prodigy oriental lol haha that tickled me. Simple cuts simple fades keep clean and tidy cant really go wrong. Be a little more adventurious (ie with the techniques used to portray the riding) I would say if anything try and rope the viewer into watching it.
  4. Ok bails vid tickled me a little but some harsh ones in there too , the new one was just immense , especially that gate. keep it up , still awaiting a new one from cls though ? any ideas when ?
  5. Could I see a picture of your rigs plymouth is a bit far to travel to look at a computer ? Surely you must have a camera lying about somewhere. Im happy with my sempron 2400 , 1gb ram and nvid fx 5500 and a raid on that . It gets me by.
  6. Not sure , but a good old can of spray paint should sort a normally one out. Looks pretty cool , get it built
  7. dont worry matthew I wont leave you for some big hunky uni bloke .. rofl yeah I can understand that. Cheating and stuff is bad , people make mistakes and learn its part of life I guess.
  8. If they are that gay why have them as your friends on myspace ? but yeah it is a bit sad .
  9. you got something to tell us J ? I will try and join you as I really need to ride liverpool.
  10. Pretty pointless camrea in my eyes has no practicalities unless its on something HHUUGGGEEE. Other than that im not even going to start on pete's inconsistancy because its just getting silly now. Im happy with my Fuji S5600. God help if pete ever got into sound we would hear some tales of mahossive desks and how he flew rigs single handedly
  11. Cant remember my old one but my new one is my freelance name within sound video and general tech'ing industry so thought it would be useful to use.
  12. CBProductions


    looks alreet , if it does the job and makes you happy then wham its a winner.
  13. Good shizwhack reet there wadster ,
  14. that was inspiring to watch and there were some interesting noises going on there. Keep it up you just seem to keep getting better and better.
  15. I think they are permently on holiday by the sounds of the reply I got. Apparantly if one person is gone the whole thing goes can't be run. Keep hassling them and hassling them its annoying but it should get them to make a move on. Disgusted with this company , utter crap having given them multiple chances to redeem themselves.
  16. CBProductions


    PowerBall World Record now standing at an incredible 16,317rpm! Well done guys! So you have broke the world record then ? http://www.powerballs.com/scoreboard.php
  17. A big yes I have done a few like that but they always seem to be quick ones though due to the BPM of DNB
  18. Sony dcr hc19 I think it is . Will do the job fine unless your after a load of manual controls
  19. two tom mics on one tom whats going on there ?
  20. CBProductions


    What ever happend to that physio on here that helped people with these kinda questions aint seen him in a while. Fish oil , powerball and lots or muscle building foods and gentlre recovery exercise oh and maybe leave off the bike for a short time to let things heal.
  21. Same as above really , get some genearl direction to what you want, I will have a go but I doubt I'll be as good as some people on here.
  22. haha , nice but a b it harsh lol. Some good moves there.
  23. yeah that and I cracked my headtube on my bike.
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