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Everything posted by CBProductions

  1. No problems some features are a bit annoying but if you don't like it don't use it.
  2. Dear AA , TF and all concerned people having known matt and his habits of late I have been concerend as to what health problems he may occur. Today was my enlgihtenment. I fear that not before long the state of his health will deteriate. I would like your opinions on this matter.
  3. haha incredible physcological factors at work here honest. Or you just love my topic tooo much.
  4. Wow sooo many replies , but then again everyone does sleep or not as the case may be. Ok just finished work and im tired but not mentally is annoying again. Will try and tear myself away and check out a film, I just find myself to engrossed with you JT in early mornings haha. F-Stop .. could be a plan however my dreams are fcuked up enough as it is without adding anything else lol. On this note im going to have to choose a film sleep tight haha
  5. Ok people not sure what im doing wrong but I just cant sleep anymore, especially when I have something exciting the next day or work or something important. I was wondering what other troubles people have had/having ? Also what they did to cure it ? Craig
  6. Not good enough felix too much noise in that only joking dude very smooth and just generally nice riding, found the camera movements a bit too jerky though. Craig
  7. CBProductions


    Full range and it will be the diametre of the actually speaker not the fitting as its the speaker you measure to sit in correctly into the box / door whatever if in doubt pop into halfords and ask and whatever you do , don't buy from there. I would run full range in doors sub in boot if needed at all then 6x9's for reinforcement
  8. Thats not ten foot. its a good angle and a nice drop from pictures but Id say around maybe 8!! Good to see you getting pictures though
  9. Spot on , bit short maybe but still very punchy !! Cheers dude
  10. grumbles yes because you can no longer be classed as a moody teenager just a moody old man
  11. I thought you were stopping fsick stuff from being posted danny haha awesome pics thanks for sharing bud !! Seems that all the chinese are very good overall riders
  12. You cant have unless you hacked into my harddrive ?
  13. how does it go again ' burning ring of fire' hmmm nasty event either way she wont be complaining about her next boyfirend being expirimental in anycase lol
  14. evening shifts in theatres maybe as front of house staff
  15. I think im on 1.6 either way mine is cbproductions on there
  16. Does that from come with optional jason lol .. nice bike buddy hope to ride you it soon !! Get a vid out though , havent had one from you for a while.
  17. Delete the codec package and download vlc media player that should come with most things to get stuff working.
  18. You should be happy with your riding in it and the video ... there were a few places that could do with tidying up but sod it mate that was beasty keep it up.
  19. At least someone is trying different things and isnt asking for adobe premeir already. Your work is apprecaited and keep it up!!
  20. In my opinions something that shows good riding and also has a professionaly look and also explains maybe your objectives in your riding. The ojectives you could maybe put in a writing document but either way it needs to grab his attention so go for what you think is right then get a few people's opinions before sending it !
  21. Kyle was giving out way too much love there for his own good .. was that jason filming by any chance ? Whats with the random bike changes kyle ? Good video had me giggling anyway
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