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Everything posted by stumps

  1. stumps

    !street Video!

    i'm sure niether of those guys were in it ?????? nice vid though, haha.
  2. nice work james porter, big sidehop both left and right. what size pitbull you ridin ?
  3. any good there? been a few times (mainly to get pissed) and it looks pretty tidy. quite good stuff in the northumbria uni.
  4. Hey, I'm goin to northumbria uni next year and was wonderin if anyone one rides there, cos I don't know of anyone and i'm goin to be disgracefully bored ridin on my own. cheers, Jez
  5. stumps

    Mod Video

    chuffin eck those guys most be incredible now !
  6. stumps


    cheers, might have to embark on the trek :P
  7. stumps


    has anyone done it by train ? if so how did u get from the train station to the event, cos i heard about the event bus but i doubt it takes bikes. cheerio
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