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About chrisatactiv05

  • Birthday 03/11/1987

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  • Quick Spec
    JUST A BACK WHEEL ATM - BUILD UP A PASHLEY - Hope mono 32h hub black, on a rhyno lite rim. Silver dt db spokes, with red and black nipples! P.I.M.P

Profile Information

  • Interests
    My Trials riding and my car - Seat Cupra<br /><br />www.streetfurnituretrials.com
  • Location
    Folkestone, Kent

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. as soon as im back at work, ill put some up ...... and i will try and ride again
  2. I went on a ride a few weeks ago, and had a lil fall on my back, now after a few days my coxix thing looked like it swelled up ... left it a few days and seemed to get worse and worse .. ended up near enought fainting due to the pain, so went to a walk in centre it wasn't due to my riding it swelled up, i had a ingrowing hair, and it created an absis ... so of i went to ane to have it sorted, it realy FFFFFFIN hurts they had to drain the absis out, and now i have a fanny looking hole on my back, which needs to heal inside out it is a common thing this, so if you have a lump, you might have the same problem, get it checked out ... i can put pics up, but only if you want to see it, its not all that nice really sorry to jon too who brought ,y bike of ebay, i promise i will get it posted asap, really sorry mate ....
  3. chrisatactiv05


    well done who ever is with her
  4. well yeh .. it would be a pain watching mates perving over her i sapose, but i taught mine to bunny hope, and do endo's. She can nearly track stand .... so ill take a pic of her face when i give her a zebdi ...... bet she dnt like the colour, lol
  5. you see, thats it .... i thought it might make life easier lol
  6. just wondered mate if you managed to get one, i work at a shop and could have a chat with the guys at fisheroutdoor if you like ..... cheers, chris
  7. afternoon, speaking to my gf about a bike, and she wants a trials bike with a saddle. She wants a bike to take to cornwall (we are going on a campin holiday there) so think i should go to ashtons home town, i wont try and spell it, your all laught ... port carl, cool, so might be gettin a zebdi for her ...... haha, legend. Has anyone one else got a gf who rides ...
  8. well - adam, pete, james .......... come on you lot, jake, clem, chris'm, shaun, what's happening ......
  9. is anyone up to riding on sunday, because i aint sold my bike, chris
  10. don't have his user name or anything, thats why i have asked him to msg me, got an email of him though so is all good! sorry for being a pain
  11. def good cable cutters, what i would also do with the houseing is get a small allen key, push it into the houseing to open up the ends, makes sure it won't snag the inner, runs nice and smooth
  12. i just thought he might see this first, he has already brought the forks ............ so thought he wouldnt look on the same forum topic, god .........
  13. i find having rumpy pumpy on the beach is good for the back, i would do it at night though, less chance of getting seen. on a serious note, i had bad pins and needles in my wrist ones and i used these not sure if they will help your back though, but they did help my wrists ...... you can get them from my shop, activ (01303 240110, ask for chris) we also deal with a company called lp, i used a back support once when i stacked it on a park bence and kinda landed flat on my back, that worked a treat - LP SUPPORTS BzzzKill harmonic dampers are a simple solution to one of cycling’s great challenges. Every manufacturer out there is trying to reduce rider fatigue without paying a weight penalty. On the road, one of the key contributors to fatigue is road vibration. BzzzKills are a replacement for the standard bar end plug. BzzzKills utilize Mathew’s harmonic damper technology to cancel high frequency vibration. Mathews developed this technology for the bow hunting industry. Compound bows generate vibration when shot that can fatigue the user and cause inaccurate shots. The frequency generated in the bow is similar to the frequency generated in a road handlebar when riding over the average paved road. The dampers work by isolating a weight within an elastomer web. As vibration travels through the handlebar, the elastomer delays oscillation of the weight long enough to get out-of-phase movement. This effectively cancels vibration traveling to the rider’s hands. To install, simply remove your current useless plastic plugs and insert your new best friends, your BzzzKill dampers. Make sure not to tuck excess tape into the handlebar end, you must start the tape on the outside of the bar.
  14. i tell you what, if you live nr folkestone kent, ill do it for free, all this hammer screwdrive stuff sounds scary .... lol, call activ, folkestone web addy
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