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About mitch

  • Birthday 06/28/1988

Contact Methods

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Previous Fields

  • Real Name
    mitch payne!
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    ashton eddie tounge,burns,maggies,hope..the usual!!

Profile Information

  • Interests
    mainly trials,drums,avin a laugghhhh!!
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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. well me(bmx and two more) and 3-4 trials riders gunna be there 25th-30th june...probably too drunk to ride but come for a laff,cum for drink to if you like
  2. any riders BMX or trials at newquay 25th june to 30th????
  3. mitch


    SHAMRIDERS website of luv x WOW CLICK ABOVE foc in ama zin evesham riders bmx gish dwain mitch bodge foc google link
  4. yess m8..probs be there...was there last thursday and it was empty and focin swish! mite see you there wid some m8's m8 x :turned:
  5. s'alll gravy x yes mate thatll be me,im amazing ent i (Y)
  6. fair play mike some nice stuff..that a death lens?? or just a super fishy lens? xx
  7. shamriders official home page of webness jus for the google link really :D
  8. mitch

    Snapped Ashton..

    landed in fakie on a quarter..as i span back round it made a loud creak..i examended it and found the b*****d!! so me and sum mates just jumed all over it and broke it in two and cut all our hands open carryin it home! :sleeping:
  9. mitch

    Snapped Ashton..

    he's a sharp chesnut :) bout 1yr and half cracked twice!!! :D
  10. mitch

    Snapped Ashton..

    lol the crack goes around the bb al the way then went up the downtube 2-3 inches!!!! no can do errrr cnt do vids lol....try work it out!! the gap to manuel is kool but theres summint dodgey with that stall eh?!! :D"
  11. mitch

    Snapped Ashton..

    they are..dont know how..shit computer and shit internet will tyr mind..
  12. mitch

    Snapped Ashton..

    out quarted to rail(20 odd attempts!!) gap to manuel then...... (Y)
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