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Everything posted by David

  1. If I had to sum it up id say I hated it... Only did 4 sections then snapped my ck axel (Y)
  2. I dont suppose anyone has a pair of vp pedals for sale in pretty good nick which they could sell me tomoz at the comp?? Just remembered mine are zip tied together :)
  3. Just thought Id make a quick thread to see who's going to the ymsa comp tomoz? I am but Im not looking to do any good at all as my disk isnt working too good and I havent ridden in 3 weeks :) (blaime the gf..) Should be fun as long as it doesnt rain!
  4. Why doesnt deng just stick all his products on one site.. It would be so much easier!!! I know why he's doing lots of different products under different names but theres not much point now as everyone knows there coming form the same guy...
  5. :sleeping: Start > Run > cmd > ipconfig /all B)
  6. Is it catching the spokes or bash ring etc?
  7. Im looking for a bmx just to play on at the local skate park for a max price of £250.. Ive been looking through winstanleys and alans and im looking at the Hoffman Disrupter EL1 Bike (2006), any good?? suggestions?? Thanks dave
  8. There are pics up if thats what you meant mike...
  9. Hey, ive just sent a payment for some dj wristbands (via paypal) Thanks :'(
  10. Hey, I would like to order 3 DJ wristbands, am I right in saying I can just send £3 via paypal to purple_sue_1@hotmail.com with my order? Any p+p? Thanks, Dave
  11. Weak- about 5mins of coverage (NO trials :( )
  12. Cool, Ill keep a look out for that mick :(
  13. Make sure your not constantly running on hard surfaces (tarmac etc) as you may develop problems with your joints.. Cod liver oil capsules help keep your joints running smoothly. Dave
  14. 17gb and 4 dvds full :D
  15. Just brought a new Giro Havoc for £45 from my lbs. Looks mint!
  16. Cool sounds good... just realised they only have red , yellow and blue in :)
  17. I cant help being safety concious... its what us lifeguards do :ermm: :">
  18. Thats what I thought the problem was.. Ill have a fiddle at my router settings! :ermm:"
  19. Well im looking to buy a new helmet as my giro e2 is really old and taken a load of hits.. I was looking at the 661 dirt lid on chainreaction which is only £16 Im thinking it will suite me as im starting to bmx more now aswell... Anyone got one or used one?? Link: Helmet Cheers, Dave
  20. I always get that thing saying "if your experiencing slow transfer timesl click here blah blah.."
  21. Yeah, forgot to say... Ive got 1mb broadband.. People Im downloading from all have broadband aswell (some even faster then me) Am i right in saying it goes through a server first and isnt direct? (sharing files on msn) dave
  22. Ok, this is really starting to annoy me now... Every time I download a file off someone it goes really slow, even if im not doing anything else at the same time.. Im running zone alarm pro and im sure its a firewall problem but it isnt blocking it... Also running through a router (shouldnt make any difference?) Cheers, Dave
  23. I wont be riding, but its mint... Be carefull though.. it is a dangerous place to be, dont ride the rocks which are on a massive slope, they are unstable and could easily fall. Keep an eye out for faling rocks!! :(
  24. David

    New Hope Hub

    Never had a problem with my king though andy.....
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