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Everything posted by David

  1. My girlfriend, Becki <3 love her to bits xxx
  2. A firewall is more important then any of those things listed Zone alarm
  3. David

    Rc Car Enthuasts

    I have a MINTED racing spec factory team RC10GT for sale if anyones interested....
  4. David

    Rc Car Enthuasts

    An early kyosho pure ten alpha?
  5. If anyone has noticed, theres a link on Aorta bike's website to a video of lee shimming but its dead. I have managed to find a mirror site. Downloading it now.... http://www.geocities.jp/sige_trial/aorta-v20.mpg P.S dont all go downloading it at once as its 90mb and we dont want to use up all the limited geocities bandwidth =P
  6. Anyone seen this: http://www.nass04.com/bike07/
  7. CNC (Computer Numerical Control) componenets are machined (Usually by lathe/milling machine) from a billet of material. Depending on the design/material they make strong components but not as strong as other procceses such as forging.
  8. David

    Help With Flash

  9. It is hard to work with so your going to need to research how you are going to form it. Is carbon fibre the most suitable material or are you using it purely for looks?
  10. Yeah, I wasnt too sure if the information is correct. Im sure time will tell though.
  11. Im not sure if this has been posted already but take a look at http://www.thebikeshow.com/ Looks like the bikeshow is happening.....
  12. Well Im fed up of breaking phones and things so Im after a new phone which can take a lot of abuse. The main problem I have is cracking the displays, I know its my fault keeping it in my pocket while on my bike but thats not the point Ive heard of a few strong nokias?
  13. Could someone summarise all that please?
  14. David

    Mp3 Player Screen

    Thats just a generic "S1" mp3 player, theres not much point trying to replace a screen (Its tricky) its cheaper to buy a new one. 256mb are only £20 now :S
  15. What kind of job are you thinking of going into?
  16. Im currently doing my AS levels (Maths mechanics, DT, Physics) and I also do Electronics. I really enjoy electronics and were really lucky at my school because theres only around a 1000 students which do it at AS , in the uk, as its very specialized...Ive got a really good teacher and great facilities (Digital osciliscopes etc) I was always thinking of doing some sort of engineering at uni but now im thinking of going into electronics as I enjoy it and im also intrested in computers/networking (Doing a Cisco CCNA1 course) So I was just wondering who does electronics at uni and what its like? Where do you go etc... Thanks, Dave
  17. There was a topic like this a few weeks ago...
  18. I could do with a few suggestions for my gf...(got a few ideas in mind)
  19. The workgroup names need to be the same on each pc.. also check firewalls etc.. If that fails go through the rest of the 7 layer osi model :D
  20. Did you post a thread a bit ago asking if anyone lived near kingswinford?? If its the one in wolverhampton then I live near there, just down in penn/pennfields...Where abouts do u ride?
  21. Well you dont want to go down all the way to the weld, incase of weakening it.. are you running a little plastic mini seat?
  22. Make sure you leave about 1cm above the weld so that it doesnt affect the strength at all. :turned:
  23. How do you mean raise the bars the same amount as the BB rise? Getting a little confused here..do you mean the angle of the bars?? (Y)
  24. David


    Where abouts is it?
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