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Everything posted by David

  1. Ill have another look at it tomorrow I think. Chain line is good, no stiff links,good tension, just serviced my CK hub aswell. My theory is that because the surly sprockets are quite tough they take longer to bed in...?
  2. Basically I bought a new KMC chain and a nice new front chainring for my bike. The chain is slipping on my rear surly sprocket. Its not very old and the teeth dont look old at all. It still skipping quite bad and its really annoying. I changed one of my jockey wheels and theres not much difference. Ive tried riding round to bed the chain in on the sprocket but with its still bad. Dave
  3. Hey mate, sorry I cant ride this week (working all week in Leisurelakes). Just keep your witts (sp) about you in wolvo, not trying to put you off or anything just saying be careful. You shouldnt have any problems
  4. Hey there, I live in Wolverhampton and I know Telford well too (Theres quite a few riders there) Might be riding sometime next week, not sure about everyone else? Dave
  5. Those words should not be in the same sentence! Sounds like a dirty fan
  6. Hey there, I live in wolverhampton and also work at leisurelakes. Your bike doesnt look too bad, should be better once the brakes been sorted! Where abouts do you ride?
  7. Im able to answer all your questions as I live in Wolverhampton and also work in leisurelakes! Yes we can bleed your brakes. Theres no trials clubs/lessons. Theres basically just me riding in wolvo but there are a few people who ride here from west brom and stourbridge. Its true you have to be careful while out but its not too bad. I ride a Zoo pitbull and you might of seen me around. Dave
  8. Hi there, this might be a silly question but i've just been building my new pc and I was missing a stand off screw for the motherboard (Metalised hole) Ive just left it as it is and im assuming this will be ok as it already has sufficient earth points? Thanks, Dave
  9. You can get certain red Michellin tyres (Hot s) and some green ones aswell.
  10. Im sure youve noticed but there 36 hole only. Just checking!
  11. Wasnt a similar thing done a few years back? Or was that marking where riders were? Dave
  12. Before you get your hopes up, there 36 Hole
  13. Brilliant, thankyou. Topic can now be closed
  14. Sorry to open a topic for this but Id just like to confirm if 265/268 are the right spoke lengths for a rear bmf rim on a chris king classic hub? Is 268 on the side with the smaller flange? (Been a long time since I built a wheel!) This topic can be closed once confirmed/corrected. Thanks, Dave
  15. Yeah ive done this before with ipods, the arm gets stuck in place. Its not as usual for it to happen on a big hardrive though, often happens in 2.5" laptop drives and as I said Ipods. I think it may be because the the MBR is somehow corrupted and the drive is trying to constantly read it but failing.
  16. Its a bit frustrating, looks like ill have to warranty the HD. I cant believe how easy it happened though, unless it was a faulty batch. Dave
  17. Ok, this is really starting to annoy me now...Yesterday my pc started to behave very odly out of the blue, I kept getting the blue screen of death and stop errors (Unkown hard error) I began to run scandisk which took quite some time but did finally complete. I thought this had cured it until I got the stop error again. I restarted the pc and now I am getting a boot disk failure! The HD (Sata) is not being detected in the bios (I have checked the connection and even plugged it into a different sata socket) I can hear the harddrive trying to spin (Its not making the deadly clicking noise) I am assuming it could be a corrupt MBR? Problem is I cant fix anything as the harddrive isnt detected at all! Any ideas? Ive thought about putting an old IDE Hd with windows on and seeing if somehow I can access the sata hd from within windows although I think this is unlikely if its not detected in the Bios. Any ideas!? Thanks, Dave
  18. David

    Hdv - Tra

    Sweet vids, works mint on my Core 2 duo ;P
  19. Its not something your average person can do. 'Proper' (good) websites require A LOT of knowledge/time/people/Money
  20. Many shops do already. Leisurelakesbikes.com do 0% finance on bikes, its a good way of buying them.
  21. David

    Urban Exploring

    I live in wolvo, im surprised you got in there ok now! (and came out alive without being attacked by the kind of people that live there) hehe. Looks cool, it looks a bit spooky from the outside, never ventured in myself though. I know loads of people used to go there ages ago though. Dave
  22. Hey there, just wondering if anyone has ever connected an xbox original (Or any console) to there computer to play through your pc monitor? I'm assuming it can be done via the compostie and audio ports on my pc but I am struggling to find any software. Most the programs ive found are designed for recording tv from the composite port and dont do a very good ojob of just watching it stream... Any ideas? Thanks, Dave
  23. I'd have some if you went ahead with it! I think your probably asking for too little though! Personally I would charge the customer P+P, materials (inc canvas) cost and then add at least £10 labour on top! (Minimum) I dont know anything about art but I dont think you would be making anything on those at that price? Dave
  24. Anyone taking this physics practical exam tomorrow? Ive done no revision but it seems straight forward...How do you work out the spring constant from a T squared over time graph graph? Dave
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