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Everything posted by David

  1. David

    Rc Car Thread!

    I used to race a factory spec AE RC10GT and had a hpi rush before that. Ive also got a brand new Walkera 60B heli (With upgrades) that im selling in my for sale thread.
  2. David

    Video Editors?

    Cyberlink Power Director is very easy to use. It's quite limited but all the basics are covered.
  3. David

    Web Part?

    Sorry if I am wrong but this seems completely the wrong project for a graphics design course? Do you just want to design a frontend? Dave
  4. Hey everyone, If I were to take an agreement out with say black horse finance for 12months or so and I wanted to pay it off early in a lump sump is this possible? I have heard there may be a charge to do this (Which sounds crazy). Any info on how much or if its possible? Thanks , Dave
  5. David


    Couldn't believe this when I saw it... I remember the days when me, beau, wayne, ollie, tom and andy used to ride wolvo and beau could hardly backhop. He progressed so quickly with his riding. I feel really bad I didnt see more of him recently. Rest in peace dude. Dave
  6. David

    Car Tracking.

    Nope, would work anywhere where the device had a mobile signal. Its been done before many times so its nothing too new but I fancy constructing my own. There are GPRS and cell tower triangulation positioning methods but these are no where as accurate as a basic 12 channel GPS device.
  7. David

    Car Tracking.

    You could go all out and build your own GPS tracker which relays its position over GPRS to your phone or computer with an exact location. Been looking to build one of these for some time but would cost around £150 Dave
  8. Good vid guys, shaun im at BCU at the tic so if you wanna ride sometime that would be cool. Wayne mentioned you the other day.
  9. Ive got an executer 2.6 chip in my xbox (V1.6) Running Xebian and Evox Dashboard. I'm looking to install apache and run it as a web server eventually
  10. Saw this not so long ago: http://www.tenthdimension.com/medialinks.php Some good theory behind it I thought, seems to agree with other things I have read.
  11. Minted, I am sure I tired this at least twice!! Thanks
  12. Right, ive been revising all day and im not feeling too good at all. I'm trying to use the inverse matrix method to solve a simple simultaneous equation. In the attached example I can not see how to get from the first to the second line?! =S I will be kicking myself when I realise this..you know the feeling!! Thanks, Dave
  13. This seems to be under great discussion, from what I believe is you have to drive with L plates for a year (with a full license holder).
  14. I apologise for the new thread (Will move to small questions if a problem). Does anyone know the deal on the possible new driving laws in the UK? By this I mean, the speculation that the goverment will introduce law that you must have a years worth of driving lessons before you can take your test? Everyone seems to have a different story to tell. How quickly could this be implemented if it is true? (Ive heard next year?) I really need to know as I want to take driving lessons soon but only if this law will be introduced, as I want to spend my summer wages on a new motorbike/test. Thanks, Dave
  15. Its a good job I dont go to Wolvo uni then =P
  16. Mine is £200, CBT only, on a chinese gn125 copy. Third party only (Or might be fire and theft, cant qute remember!)
  17. I would strongly reccommend doing a degree that is worth something if you are after a good job. With the fee's being as high as ever I wouldnt waste my time doing a 'mickey-mouse degree' (Wont mention any incase I cause offense!). Electronic engineering for the win =P Dave
  18. Ok, I really want to play COD 4 online but It seems by uni's internet is blocking the appropriate ports (Can only see port 80, 443, and 110 open as far as I can tell). I have used several applications to tunnel my connection through port 80 but nothing is working. Has anyone found a good way round it?? Ive tried putty and all sorts of tunelling methods but all have failed so far Dave
  19. I'm not that tall, about 5ft 10'.
  20. I currently have a Zoo! bar/stem on my Zona Zenith with one 10mm headset spacer and I find it feels quite low at the front and doesnt help with my back. Can anyone recommend me a new stem? I'm looking at a 10 degree hi-fi stem but there longer as well.. Thanks, Dave
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