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Chakers1998 last won the day on March 15 2024

Chakers1998 had the most liked content!

About Chakers1998

  • Birthday 05/21/1998

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  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Silex 24, 2012 Hex, and v9 Ozonys Curve
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    Spending too much money thinking it will improve my skills
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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. Are there any members that live and ride in Bracknell? Specifically mill pond area?
  2. Yes, I put some tech 3 levers on an echo lite Mk5 by changing the caliper piston seals. The bore cap ones didn't match, but it never leaked anyway.
  3. Wayne Jenkins lives in or around MK. I don't know if he has an account here, but he's on facebook.
  4. @onzatpro09 I summon you, bike mechanic and i9 stockist!
  5. You're being far too logical for the bike market. It obviously makes more sense to have as many proprietary components as possible so the consumer has a larger selection to choose from.
  6. Hadley are a good one to look at, but they are "only" 72 POE. Most things I've read about them suggest they are indestructible, but the one thing that puts me off is the circular spring they use rather than the conventional pawl spring.
  7. Trials is a little sport that no one else outside it could care less about. The media company probably thought why are we filming these guys jumping over logs on these stupid bikes.
  8. Clean and Jitsie rims seem to flat spot easier than most. Hashtaggs are better but people still flat spot them as well. Andrei Burton said to me he started using an old Echo rim because he kept denting the Hashtaggs, but he does crazy stuff. Shame that the manufacturers put their min order number up, as Trialtech had to stop the Carthy rim because of this.
  9. Sick man. Josh Leech lives in Wantage as well. Our group has moved to a WhatsApp group if you'd be interested in coming out to ride?
  10. I do this with speed wax that I use for my road bike chains. I hate chain oil. It makes working on the drive train so much easier when you don't have to treat the chain like it's radioactive.
  11. I have an Echo forged 150mm stem that may be up for sale if I find a stem that I like the feel off on my 20".
  12. Forgot about these. Yeah the tyres are mint to be fair, loads of pop and are pretty much the lightest on the market.
  13. Jitsie have some nice products, like the Goldfren pads that they sell (they don't make them), but I swear anything they have manufactured is dog shit. People snapping forks and bars all the time.
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