ok, ive just bought a new cassette. and i want to take of a few cogs so that its a 6speed ,but im not sure if i need special spacers or anything, anybody know?
Luke (Y)
Thought i wpu;d post the pages of my trials magazine i made for my media coursework. tell me what you think!
Front Cover
1st Article
Advert Page
Luke :S
im not sure if its just me but does the new T-Rex feel quite heavy on the back end? did anyone else think this? and what could be the main cause for the heavyness?
Luke :S
rite ive been looking for this song for ages now and i have no idea what its called, all i know its the song from the capri sun "squeeze please" advert ,the one with the lil cartoon boy!
HELP ME! ! ! (Y)
i was just wandering if you can just buy monty frames as opposed to buying the whole bike, because my t-rex is nearing the end of its days (after 5months :blink: ) so have sstarted to look about and decided i deffianetly want the new 231 xlite ti but i wasnt sure if you could buy them frame only, any info or links would be helpful thanks!
Luke :)
just wanted to see how everyone found the west of england trial today? was a really nice place to hold them! though was so annoying bout the rain my brakes didnt hold at all!
Luke (Y)
haha wow i fell pretty privalidged ! ! ! ,umm yeah that may be proppa yandy if tyats ok, i syall talk to my friend first and nag him, thanks very much though, will talk to you at the trial!
i know this is a bit of a jammy post but is there anybody from Dorset going to the WEMCC trial on the 2nd of May? because i can get there though i have no way of getting home ,owuld be really greatful if somebody could help me out with a lift?
Luke :-
hi was just wandering hwy Monty make their rear wheels for their stock bikes 25" ,is there a specific reason? also could you run one on another type of bike?
Luke :D