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Szymon last won the day on October 1 2024

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About Szymon

  • Birthday 09/05/1985

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Trials Monkey

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  1. I wouldn't consider a hub that's a few years old and has never been serviced. Maybe the hub broke because of worn bearings?
  2. Right. It looks even worse in the videos.
  3. Only on the wheels I save 824g: Continental Danny Macaskill 816g Maxxis Rekon 600g Normal tube 220g Tubolito 74g Rubber rim tape 34g Jistsie rim tape 11g Front Hope pro 5 hub 176g Front Inspired hub 153g Reah Hope pro 5 hub with 18t sprocket +/-500g Rear Inspired hub with Trialtech 18t freewheel 469g
  4. You're right, they weigh similarly. My fourplay weighs 9.15kg. I don't have carbon parts or titanium cranks. Hex on carbon rims may weigh the same.
  5. Magura brakes are about 100g lighter then others. Maybe more. Spokes? Double butted + alu nipples = -100g OEM chain tansioner + longer chain is probalby 30g hevier.
  6. Don't buy used ones because they may be worn out. I did that and had to buy a second new set. https://www.ebay.pl/itm/355746747657?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=4908-175131-2357-0&ssspo=tv4vexx5ree&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  7. I tried the Shigura on the new SLX M7100 levers and removed them after 1 ride. These Shimano radials are like Magura, only made of aluminum. I also have small hands (XS/S gloves). And these levers are great. Just hard to buy.
  8. The best brake I have used and have is Shigura M665, M775 or M810. They are used by Clement Moreno and Euan Beaden. It's a good idea to install the rear brake on a steel-braided cable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKOJvwzVQ4M&t=1s&ab_channel=ClementMoreno https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIRQgEjDaec&t=98s&ab_channel=EuanBeaden
  9. These brake levers are completely different. The old one looks more like the new HS33. https://www.ebay.pl/itm/205008770703?_skw=magura+mt4&itmmeta=01J8S2P9TEZED6MMC6TCM542C4&hash=item2fbb79968f:g:EA8AAOSwB2pjljSm&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKkDLHzZkGnRfwsQL9MOz3nFzhRRPlnDzFmR2P4193CJ2UiLZ3Zwx52bd1P5z7vqobZtNT9NJ9%2F7%2FB4qSVSQqFVbbIsUNh9XPqCPrkjbV%2FnCci2XLbRJT91j%2BXlMr7joNURfeAyB4%2BLZWTkJcTioNwlkHJ7RDFjQmX4YAx3JuPRJXK%2Bwq2jXytiD06pej9TB2B3xrTlXkELV28wkMiZQvE0Y2RmtxQ9Tw39FFY5LD1UAEi9WTJ%2BSbvDeF5xZrzHhhlsnmRB4yfHsyOAzewBD9VVd|tkp%3ABk9SR6id2aLGZA
  10. It may be your foot's fault - it's too weak. It is worth rolling your foot and strengthening it. This happens to me when my 5.10 freerider shoes start to wear out. A new shoe and the problem disappears. The shape and size of the pedals also matter. I do not recommend small pedals or concave ones.
  11. The question is how tall are you? I'm 170cm tall and the factory Fourplay set was too tall for me. With a high handlebar, the handlebar is easily torn up. Bunny hop is easier in the initial phase. For me, the lower the handlebars, the higher I jump. I have more room to pull the bike up. Currently I don't have any stem pads and I have a Qlab handlebar which is lower than the Inspired one.
  12. I bought and installed such a cable from Ali to my Shigura. And the difference is noticeable. There's none of that final sponginess in the brake lever. EZMTB brake hose
  13. Does anyone know the bearing markings in the rear Inspired pro hub - old model with 10mm bolts?
  14. "This freewheel must be bedded in before trials use, to ensure any excess grease used when assembling the freewheel works away from the mechanism. You can do this by riding the freewheel around 'normally' for a few hours, both freewheeling and engaging the mechanism gently. If the freewheel is subjected to trials use without having been bedded in, the pawls will not engage correctly and this causes the freewheel to skip, damaging the pawls and ratchet. If you wish to speed up this process, you can thin the grease down with light oil like GT85 or WD40, by spraying it between the centre and outer teeth of the freewheel and rotating it."
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