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Everything posted by tomtrials

  1. best thing to do it get a drill piece that is the size you want obviously the more you drill out the weaker it will get. clamp the rim so it can't move and take your time. I am sure ali c did his not sure though ages ago.
  2. ye pretty sure it is the 04. I have to say very nice bike there for that money!!! I have to say you don't see tonnes of them around anymore, hope you enjoying riding it!
  3. Not really that dark to be honest I think your bike is really nicely man, not too much coloured parts juts the odd component so looks smart nice red pedals!
  4. Don't have any pictures but my shins are pretty much mashed from my pedals and i have a scar on my leg where my handle bars pretty much when into me when falling off due to no bar ends
  5. Hey Edd I think they are a very good bike to start on and get use to balancing. My friend had one and they do take quite alot of hammer and are slightly better made than the onza's in my eyes. That price you say is decent if the bike is in fairly good nick no cracks and just scratches. There is no way the bike isn't goin to take your weight so there is no need to worry about that. When buy the bike look at all the major stress marks like chainstays and the headtube welding to see if there is any cracks at all. Hope that helps Tom
  6. That place looks amazing so want to go there! Nice old skool bike by the way! t master!
  7. yep does indeed, hammer is the only tool you need! lol that rhymes. That video was quite funny actually.
  8. I agree more around the 200 pound mark as the build isn't that great and alot of the components are quite old. I didn't even manage to sell my trex with a chris king on for 500.
  9. Very clean looking bike there colour scheme seems to go well with the bike. My friend use to have one and could bunnyhop massive on it how does it ride?
  10. You lucky thing! As far as what i can see it all looks perfect for balance practice and sidehops,taps and everything. The one thing i do is use two seperate crates so i can practice gapping and it is a very useful thing to do maybe add that into your are if you have room. thanks Tom
  11. Gloves and helmets are a totally personal thing and have to feel right on your head. Dirt jump helmets are used by trials riders aswell because some people prefer the appearance and feel of them on their head. There is no really trialsing helmet as such but alot of people use crosscountry helmets like giro e2's,xzens and havoc's is totally up to you what you like the look of and feel of and how much you want to spend.Have a look around different sites and see what you like. Hope that helped Thanks Tom
  12. My brother rides one and they are really nice to ride! very stiff and light as there is quite alot of cnc on them makes them alot stronger.
  13. That was actually really well done lol and funny must of taken some time to get it in time with the music thanks man that was funny.
  14. Did you get any hosing blocks with the pack from tarty? what you need to do is hammer in the two screws for the arch using the blocks and a vice then cut the tubing to the leaver to length and put the end seal screws on and then an olive on each end and bleed. Have a look on the magura website as it has step by step guides on how to bleed and how to renew hosing. Hope that helps Tom
  15. Hey forks that i would advise would be either the zoo or echo as they seem to be very stiff. I run some 26" zoo forks and they seem very stiff and can seem to take a lot of hammer. As your t-pro is an internal headset i would get new bearings, fsa are good strong bearings and will fit on.
  16. Doesn't really matter to be honest if your using black components when there is too much of one colour like green in the picture of the echo it looks too much in my eyes Thanks Tom
  17. Thanks man will see if i can get them up. Yeah limey is abit high Tom
  18. Good riding but the song was horrible really hate stuff like that keep up the good riding
  19. For a first time video wasn't bad i have to say, some advice would be to get more variation into the video. I thought the song choice went well with your riding so good job there man Tom
  20. Yep had a right bad time with mine for the 26" broken axel, pawls and springs breaking all the time! and bearings crushing so i just got a king they just seem to run perfect all the time get the steel axel if you can and steel driver is well worth the extra money!
  21. Is in very good condition and i will put up pics as soon as i know how?
  22. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=586 Are these what you are on about? Can get them from Tartybikes and Selectbikes
  23. To be honest the t rex was such a nice bike to ride and could just take hammer like no other frame i have had The only downside to the frame is that its slightly heavy at the back but none the less is light enough and that is the bike i would go for
  24. Liking the video thought the editing was done well the quality was good and so was the riding keep it up! Tom
  25. I also have and onza limey looking for 150 and onza t rex 100. Cleaning out my garage
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