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Tom Rigg

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About Tom Rigg

  • Birthday 09/14/1984

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  • Real Name
    Tom Rigg
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Echo Pure 2012
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lancaster (North West)

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Tom Rigg's Achievements

Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. He's a legend. Enjoyed watching that, always so chilled out!
  2. Nice footage, Giaco is beasting it up! All or nothing riding.
  3. I'm up for it! Enjoyed the last ones, always a good laugh and a very decent setup.
  4. Still epic! Remember downloading these old vids at school as they had a beasty connection, then burning them onto a cd... haha
  5. Kevin Liu has brought John Websters riding to light recently, they've given me plenty of inspiration.
  6. This is epic, can't stop watching it! Such a beasty rider.
  7. Hey mate, age is only a number, you'll enjoy it even if it's frustrating at the start. You'll probably notice muscles you didn't think existed! Go and have some fun you certainly have a decent bike there.
  8. Man the level of riding at these UCI events is just insane! Awesome stuff, shame Giaco picked up an injury, looked like he was on form there, want to see him back in the game!
  9. See you all there.. Should be an awesome event building on last years epicness!
  10. I used to ride in Southport, you been on the sea defences yet? Some pretty good stuff spread out down there! Liverpool is probably your next best bet, down at the docks.
  11. Me too, I'm not very active on here so didnt spot it until now! see you there, and if you want help with the setup just let me know
  12. Tom Rigg

    Tra In Usa

    Awesome stuff TRA! Never fail to impress
  13. Not packed as full as you guys but I got to sleep in it!
  14. I'd like to be riding in it, so pop my name on the list!
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