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About ashtonsteve

  • Birthday 01/16/1990

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  • Quick Spec
    Full build of a megamo Its loverly

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  • Interests
    trials and trials
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ashtonsteve's Achievements

Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. What pads are you running on your magura to make the smooth rim work?
  2. I have a Tokina 10-17mm fisheye Canon fit acting as a paper weight on my desk if anyone is interested in it before it goes on eBay. It works perfectly but the body has seen better days, £180?
  3. Good video dave. Its cool to see the same old spots me and aaron use to ride getting ridden.
  4. That was amazing. You must have got to poole bloody early for it to be that empty. We should all do a poole ride when im back for easter.
  5. hello, have you still got the monty frame please???

    if so can i please have your number cuz im very intrested. cheers josh

  6. aup i would like to buy your 26 off you would you be willing to tack 300 for it

  7. Tom thats looks awsome, thought you were going to stick with the czar for longer? ride soon Steve
  8. Wasn't expecting it to be that good tom, think i need to get riding and catch up! Massive lines going down You up for riding friday? im in winfrith (how ever you spell it) in the morning so could ride your area after Steve
  9. tom how you getting there?? i should be up for this! steve
  10. sorry nick its my mates 19th so drinking instead, you doing the comp on sunday?? steve
  11. nice pics andy, some of my favs you have done. riding is really good aswell where was my invite to this ride? i need to drive down there soon for a ride steve
  12. ashtonsteve

    Matt Hardy

    i liked that one hard-on getting so much better on the bike, and your riding natural cya soon steve
  13. really liked that vid man some good riding going down steve
  14. nice vid girls wana ride there again at some point this week? steve
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